• Votes


    Option to schedule bundle uninstallation and / or option to uninstall ...

    Hello, at some of my customers bundle management (distribution, installing and of course removing) is a strict offtime, nightly management action. Because of this ...

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    Some sort of search / filter for bundles where we can see their event ...

    For checking that you don't have too many user login event bundles set.

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    We need a "zenver" for the ZCM imaging engine

    When troubleshooting imaging I spend a lot of time digging out info that should be readily available, ie: ZCM Imaging Kernel version and Tuxera driver version. I want a ...

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    Policy requirements based on PC owner

    Ie, the scenario is a school setting. Ideally everyone should be just User and only admins, admins. But there are cases where certain teachers should be Administrators, ...

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    Install Cleaned up Zenworks Agent into Base Image

    Currently if the Agent is installed into the base image it has to be cleaned up to remove references to the device it has been imaged on. This involves running various ...

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    Device Page - Agent Status/Service Links

    In the 'Devices' list page show the Agent Status icon next to the device without having to go into each device and create direct icons to WOL/wakeup/remote/file ...

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    Add a ZENworks Appliance which only functions as Sybase server

    It would be great to be able to setup a ZENworks Appliance which wouldn't be a Primary Server, but only a Sybase server for the ZENworks environment. Could be done with ...

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    User Source migration assistant

    Currently it is pretty tedious to move a User Source from eDirectory to Active Directory or vice versa, even when the structure of both directories are almost equal: You ...

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    Service Desk has Dutch localization which could be improved

    Please let someone who knows the product segment/terminology and who has control of the Dutch language correct the language resource files of Micro Focus Service Desk.

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    Support for Let's Encrypt

    Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority. It is a great solution for adding certificates to your system without the costs or the hassle. There ...

  • Planned


    Display bundle name instead of GUID in the error section

    It would be helpful to not have to manually find the name of a bundle by the GUID. When researching errors it gets a little time consuming.

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    remote zac

    With PowerShell you can enter a pssession on a device without affecting the user it would be great if the zac commands worked remotely through the ps session so you could ...

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    Allow zenwork explorer policies to be created with default values but ...

    We have user request that we set the show all folders and some that hate the all folder view. As this policy deals with the end user preference. it would be nice if the ...

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    Add the ability to see running processes in remote diagnostics

    It would be nice to see a list of running processes of a remote machine without having to remote control it and kick the user off. Currently, remote diagnostics only ...

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    Ability to use additional groups (like Hyper-V Administrators) with ...

    If you use the Dynamic Local User Policy the created user is added to the local groups of the device as configured in the policy. If the user is manually added to another ...

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    Support Zenworks Appliance for Citrix XenServer

    Please support Zenworks Appliance for Citrix XenServer. Other products like vibe-Appliance are supported..

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    A "Direct Publish" bundle

    I noticed my customers working with bundle, when they modify a bundle, in most of the case they publish directly the bundle, and when you have to work on a bunch of ...

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    zman options for patch policies

    zman option exists to list bundle version and delete them. These options does not exist for patch-policies, able to dramatically increase.

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    Ability to configure content-repo path

    Give an option in configuration to specify the path for content-repo and/or imaging.

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    Abble to search who/what has the same error message

    e.g looking details of a device, see a series of message log. If clicking a message log I see details about, but have no idea if other devices/bundles got this same ...