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    True Up as a ZENworks Control Center feature

    True Ups are time consuming. It would save a lot of time if it could be performed in the ZENworks Control Center with a single click.

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    Enable and disable Requiremets for testing

    When testing, it would be helpful if it were possible to enable and disable Requiremets.

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    Send Test E-mail

    It would be nice if there would be a test button ("Send Test E-mail") for "Configuration - Centralized Message Logging - E-mail Notification" etc. So you can immediately ...

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    Live view of connect and switched on PCs

    Be able to see a list of PCs that are switched on or switched off

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    Icon Store

    It would be ace if ZCC woul dhave an icon store for bundles, where all icons you ever used are stored, which applications use it, and where you can add custom icons for ...

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    Dynamic group based on last contact more than 180 days

    For production purpose, our customer want to create a dynamic group based "Device - Last Contact" more than 180 days. However in ZCC you can only select a date in a ...

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    Ability to change default setting of 5 in "show X items" dropdown in ...

    Especially in bundle Action sets you see only 5 items at a time. Yes, you can change the number of displayed items but per default it is always set to 5. I wish a ...

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    Generic searchbox in ZCC

    I would like to have a search field in ZCC that searches all sources e.g. Devices, Bundles, Policies and may be even User sources. I think it would save me some time ...

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    ZCC Helper for OSX

    Is it possible for the ZCC Helper to be made available for OSX? I would like to be able to upload from OSX and not have to switch back to a Windows box to have full use ...

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    ZCC command line operations for administrator groups

    Description: I have a single ZCM deployment for 60 sites. Each site has administrative accounts, sometimes with multiple accounts that are allowed the same rights to ...

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    Ability to apply and assign an imaging bundle to Workstation Groups

    We would like to have the ability to assign and apply an imaging bundle to Workstation Groups. Every classroom has its own Workstation Group. Every device is initially ...

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    Login into the ZCM Control Center

    Dear Sir / Madame. If I login into the Zenworks Configuratiom Management Console, I give in Userid, Password and select Language. If I change the language, my password ...

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    Dependency Bundles

    In a Bundle you can see the "Dependency Bundles" for example: (None) -> working as designed Can this be extended with another option "Dependency Sandbox"?

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    Health ZCM Database

    We are using 1 primary server with internal Sybase for many years. I normally should check the health of the database regularly. As everything is rock solid, nobody ...

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    Real-Time Bundle Deployment Status

    I would like to have an option allowing the ZCC to display real-time bundle status similar to the information that System Updates shows in the Status by Device page. ...

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    Encrypted String Type System Variable

    We are transitioning from another server management product to ZCM and in some of our tasks we run a PowerShell script and pass in a user name and password. In ZCM, if ...

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    Quick Task Status Window Enhancement

    When a Quick Task has completed, the window shows Hide and Cancel as the options. It would make more sense if the Cancel button became OK or Close when the Quick Task ...

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    Description Field for Bundle Actions

    I would like to be able to add descriptions to bundle actions to be able to add notes to document actions.

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    Primary and Satellite Server System Requirement Filters

    Add two new dynamic group system requirement filters to be able to identify Primary and Satellite servers. For example, "Device - Is Primary" and "Device - Is ...

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    Preserve Bundle Statistics Data

    When you are viewing the bundle status and click one of the links for status that takes you to a view with the device list, it would be nice if the bundle status figures ...