• Votes


    Add one or two word description for Displayed Version dropdown(Sandbox ...

    Problem: Suppose I have a bundles/policies in which I want to have more numbers of settings based on different Sandbox versions. In summary page "Administrator Notes" is ...

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    Bundles: Requirements: System Requirements: Please make the field with ...

    It would be one of the most helpful improvements for me: Please enlarge the field with the value to be checked. There is no overview for extensive queries. This makes ...

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    Enable and disable Requiremets for testing

    When testing, it would be helpful if it were possible to enable and disable Requiremets.

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    True Up as a ZENworks Control Center feature

    True Ups are time consuming. It would save a lot of time if it could be performed in the ZENworks Control Center with a single click.

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    Show operating system of members within a workstation group

    When looking at workstation application groups, the column for Operating System exists until you get to the workstation group. It would be nice to see the OS of ...

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    Allow List Export of Other Objects in ZCC

    Currently, the ZCC only allows a list to be exported for Device objects. It would be very helpful if Bundles, Policies, Users, etc., also had that function in the ZCC.

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    Include Object Path When Exporting a List from the ZCC

    When exporting a list of objects (e.g., devices) from the ZCC, it would be extremely helpful if the path was included in the output. When a search is performed, the path ...

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    integrate with sophos cloud and other cloud managed AV vendors

    Many AV vendors provide cloud managed solutions. With zen moving deeper into security, it would be greatly beneficial to provide basic integrations with these by allowing ...

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    ZENworks vs the world 2

    Hello, ZENworks vs the World -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmNva_CkT1Q had a very good marketing success. Customers crying for new one with cool ZENworks guy, ...

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    set test flag with device name rule

    It would be great if we could set automatic test flags to devices if a specific string in device name is matched at the time of the initial device registration. In this ...

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    ZCC Management commands (ZCCHelper) support for RHEL

    ZCCHelper is only supported on SLES. Please add support for other popular distro RHEL, or Ubuntu.

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    Include Device - Last Patch Scan filter in the available Dynamic Group ...

    Add the ability to filter dynamic group device membership based on the the date/time of the device's last patch scan.

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    Buttons "Add to Watch List"

    I like to use the watch list for new bundles during the test and pilot phase. So I would be happy if there were buttons on the bundle, policy and device page to add the ...

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    Provide an option to view or track all ZCC logged-in users across ...

    Administrator (superadmin) would like to have an option to view which ZCC users are currently logged in by using ZCC on any specific Primary Server. Large ZENworks ...

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    Universal Realtime Search in ZCC

    It would be great to a universal search field at the top of the ZCC web console that provides realtime results regardless of whether it is a Device, Bundle, Policy, User, ...

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    Show CDF Last Scan Date on Device Inventory Page

    Since the Collection Data Form (CDF) has a separate schedule than the inventory scan, it would be helpful to know when the last CDF scan was completed.

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    Add Quick Tasks to System Update Menu

    It would be useful to have more options on the Actions menu for the system update Pending and Failed pages such as Reboot, Reset Device, Verify Last Update,  Launch ...

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    Show Device Zone Added Date

    Please add the device's added date to the Summary page so we can easily tell when a device joined the zone.

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    Add a "Remove All" Option for Groups

    Please add a "Remove All" option for groups in the Members area on the Summary tab. This would save time for large groups.

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    Enhanced Schedule for Dynamic Group Member Refresh

    Currently, the dynamic group member update can be assigned specific days to run and given a start time. In our environment, we need the groups to refresh more often ...