• Planned


    Rename Windows Devices in ZENworks Control Center

    Need ability to rename Windows Devices in ZENworks Control Center without physically visiting the workstation. Useful especially IT Admins would like to standardize ...

  • Planned


    Pending Status to include last contact date

    When deploying agent updates, I invariably get a list of device with "Update Assigned". I'd like to be able to distinguish between the ones that have not check in a ...

  • Planned


    Allow For More Administrator-Defined Fields (ADFs)

    Please allow for more administrator-defined fields (ADFs). They are very useful! We've reached the limit when trying to add a new workstation one: "The maximum number ...

  • Planned


    Bundle action requirement "Registry Key Value" and "Sting Type" is ...

    In ZCM Version 11.4.1 it is impossible to do a reliable compare of windows registry values that are of type string. The reason for this is because of an sign by sign ...

  • Planned


    Add Powershell support as a bundle action

    We can do bat, vbscript, perl etc as a run script action but if you want to run a PowerShell script then you need to run one action to create the script, one to run ...

  • Planned


    Better device status in ZCC device Summary page

    TID 7005371 (https://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7005371) states the following: The green light on the device object properties means that the agent is running ...

  • Planned


    Display bundle name instead of GUID in the error section

    It would be helpful to not have to manually find the name of a bundle by the GUID. When researching errors it gets a little time consuming.

  • Planned


    All columns should be sortable in the ZCC

    When viewing details of devices, bundles, etc., in the ZCC, I can only sort by name. All fields should be sortable. For example, it would be great to be able to sort on ...

  • Planned


    Action for creating shortcuts and pinning programs to taskbar

    ZCM could have a bundle action type out-of-the-box for creating Windows shortcuts. This should be able to build .lnk files with tunable options like in old ZENworks ...