• Votes


    ZCM should expose an API

    For integration, automation and reporting purposes, ZCM should expose its objects and methods available via ZCC in a documented, uniform API / web service, similar to the ...

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    Update Dynamic Group Memberships (If Changed) on Device Refresh ...

    In many cases we would like to use dynamic groups for bundle/policy assignments, so it would be nice if they were modified/created/removed on Refreshed instead of updated ...

  • Votes


    zman on administration pc

    Enable ZMAN to run on an administrative PC.

  • Votes


    zman bundle-export-to-file should export the bundle's icon to a file

    The zman bundle-export-to-file command should export the bundle's icon to a file so that it can be used later to create the bundle with the zman bundle-create command.

  • Planned


    Allow For More Administrator-Defined Fields (ADFs)

    Please allow for more administrator-defined fields (ADFs). They are very useful! We've reached the limit when trying to add a new workstation one: "The maximum number ...

  • Votes


    SCEP integration for Mobile Device Management

    I would like to see SCEP integration for a Microsoft CA, for issuing device certificates to authenicate to VPN/Wifi

  • Votes


    Change event classifications for Wake On Lan

    Hi, I would like the ability to change the classification of a "failed to wake device event" to informational or warning. thanks

  • Votes


    Copy device assignments from bundle to bundle

    Many times when we roll out a new application we want to copy the device assignments from the old bundle to the new bundle and we cannot. This causes us reassign many ...

  • Votes


    Report showing all schedules in the ZENworks system

    Many times while troubleshooting or administering the ZENworks system, it would be nice to get a broad view of what is scheduled on the systems. These schedules include ...

  • Votes


    Skip running bundle actions if current time is past bundle schedule

    As an administrator, I want to be able to define if scheduled bundle actions should run based on how much time has passed from the scheduled time. During bundle ...

  • Votes


    Implement a Device Requirements Policy to enable Compliance Reporting

    In my experience, administrators care most that the needed software and settings are applied to a machine. They care less about how the software and settings got applied. ...

  • Votes


    Additional Device State / Custom Device state

    Currently ZENworks knows three device states: normal, retired and lost. We are frequently replacing devices and an addtional device states like the ones we know from ...

  • Votes


    Deploy/check or start a bundle immediately on a managed device from ...

    It would be very nice if it is possible to deploy/check or start a bundle immediately on a managed device from ZCC (perhaps with a quick task or so). Sometimes it is ...

  • Votes


    Posibility to disalbe shadow letters in ZAPP

    In the ZENworks APP 2017 the bundle names are displayed in letters with a shadow. Please add the posibility to disable the shadow of the letters. It is a pain for peoble ...

  • Votes


    Include Device - Last Patch Scan filter in the available Dynamic Group ...

    Add the ability to filter dynamic group device membership based on the the date/time of the device's last patch scan.

  • Votes


    Pre-filtered pick list in custom report creation

    When creating a custom report, the administrator has the option to set certain criteria. While configuring these criteria the value has to be selected from a pick list. ...

  • Votes


    Implement Audit/Monitoring/Diagnostics for the ZRS server itself

    See https://www.helicaltech.com/audit-diagnostic-monitoring-of-reports-in-jasper-server/ Theses feature should be activated by default and available to administrators.

  • Votes


    zenworks webservices should evaluate 'X-Forwarded-For' entry in ...

    If HTTP proxy is configured for the agent, all communication between the agent and the server is logged with the IP of the proxy as source. This behaviour is correct. ...

  • Votes


    Permission.sh should also checks and fixes permission of /tmp

    Often error occurs because certain process doesn't have write access to /tmp. The error itself indicates a permission problem but not specifically about the /tmp ...

  • Votes


    I would like to print out all the details of a particular bundle - in ...

    All the relationships, requirements , actions, the lot. perhaps add some comment fields to the actions - so in a years time when I've forgotten what I did or why I did ...