It would be very nice if it is possible to deploy/check or start a bundle immediately on a managed device from ZCC (perhaps with a quick task or so).
Sometimes it is necessary to start on bundle only on a specific device. If we increase the bundle version, the bundle is executed on all associated devices.
by: Rainer W. | over a year ago | Application Mgmt
Hi Rainer,
Does the Quick Tasks "Distribute Bundle", "Install Bundle", "Launch Bundle" and so on on Bundle List page help here?
Hi Sudheer,
I don't found this anywhere in the ZCC. Where is that supposed to be?
Hi Sudheer,
Okay, I have found it. And yes this was exactly what I want!
Hi Sudheer,
I was to fast. It was not what I need. After "Distribute Bundle", "Install Bundle", "Launch Bundle" the Bundle is associated with the Device and is seen in the Zenworks Application Launcher. So I must delete the
association after that.
(Some Bundles are associatet with users or usergroups. Some Bundles are associated with devices, but normaly not visible in the Launcher.)
Perhaps it is possible to add a checkbox for automatically delete the association to the device after execution.
The bundle only appears in NAL upon association if you tell it do so.
When assigning a bundle, it is possible to do it in a fashion so the user cannot see the bundle. In this scenario, it is only used for push purposes.