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    Hyperlink to Logs in messages

    As a ZENworks Administrator, I would like to be able select the appropriate log file when an installation / upgrade has completed or failed, directly from the summary ...

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    Migrate Database from Oracle to MS-SQL

    A script like your other migrate-options skripts e.g. from sybase to oracle or sybase to ms-sql Wich such a migrate option we can consolidate our database servers We ...

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    new status "started"

    acutally you have the following status for an bundle or quick task: + New + Assigned - please make a new status "Started" + Done + Connection Failed(Expired) Its not ...

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    better status notification in zcc

    I would like to see the status of bundle actions in zcc like you see it on the client. this would be very helpfull for bigger installation bundles. for an example on the ...

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    Ease printer installing

    Currently we are limited to adding printer by its IP address. The ideal would be to allow to add Printer by its DNS name. Also allow more customization settings to be ...

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    Ability to reinstall the ZENworks agent without uninstalling current ...

    We have had cases where we need to manually re-install the ZENworks agent or manually install the latest ZENworks agent. In both cases, the installer fails because ...

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    Let ZEUS (or zen updater) handle rivaling msi installations

    First of all, we don’t have experiences with the new ZEUS introduced in 11.4 because, as we asked in the 11.4 update webinar, it first comes to place for the update from ...

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    Install MSI action fails on multiple workstations when user has ...

    Currently: A user launches a bundle that installs a MSI. The MSI is cached in the local ZENworks cache. The MSI is installed. The user uses the application. User ...

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    Add/modify registry choose 32 or 64 bit action (using automatic ...

    When a 32bit installer installs the software on a 64 bit platform and writes to HKLM\software or HKCU\software, the OS silently redirects those keys to ...

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    Create deployment bundle with selective agent features

    Possibility to create ad hoc deployment bundle with selected features (eg only user User Management and Remote Management) This can speed up installation because ...

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    Ability to easily specify custom ports during Primary server ...

    If you need or want to use custom ports on a Primary server you must block the 80/443 ports on the server before running the installer. This is cumbersome. The ...

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    postbone install or run bundle

    I would like an option to postbone a bundle install or run. At the moment you can do this with the "Prompt User" message. There you have the "User Cancels Allowed". In ...

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    Upgrade option to skip rebuilding deployment packages

    Today, all ZENworks update processes include rebuilding deployment packages on every primaries for every platform. An upgrades from 11.3.x to 11.4.2 takes three ...

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    Customized slim agent OR local caching in network agent installer

    Customers of ours find the full agent very large (~600MB). Half of it is the FDE component and non-Enligh files in ZESM which is rarely used among these customers. The ...

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    bundle groups - Assignments

    When I assign bundle groups to a device only the single bundles are visible in application launcher or startmenu not the bundle group. I want to be able to make also ...

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    Uninstallation of MSI ignores Requirements

    This is more of a bug than a desired feature. When making a bundle that will suit both a 32 bit and 64 bit device, I import the 32 bit and 64 bit MSIs into the same ...

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    Add platform support for SLES 12 SP2

    ZENworks 11.4.3 & 2017 support up to SLES 12 SP1.

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    Check for too long path names when "install directory" is used

    Hello from germany. I recognized some days ago that there is a problem when you upload a directory which contains very long path names, which is near the 255 character ...

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    functionality to install UPW-Apps like MSI or Microsoft-Store ...

    Microsoft is changing the default-way to install Applications. They switch from Classic-Applications to "Modern-Apps" in UWP-Containers. Some software is still only ...

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    support for debian linux

    Want to install Zenworks on all our servers, one of the first servers we go to install it on it doesn't support the OS. Debian Linux support please :)