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    Device Refresh Action in Certificate Tab

    In a scenarios where the Remint update has failed on few devices, retry of update will trigger in next refresh. It will reduce lot of effort - Navigating to that ...

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    Search option in system update page

    Currently administrator can deploy system update to any selected devices or group of device or even can use the staging. But remint update assigns the system update to ...

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    Run pre and post system update actions

    As an administrator I want to be able to configure actions that should run either immediately before a system update or immediately after so that I can make sure that the ...

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    Provide system update distribution options

    As an administrator I would like system update to have distribution options similar to bundles so that I can pre-distribute the content before actually applying the ...

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    Ability to cancel system update on individual devices

    Currently we do not have the ability to cancel system update once it has been assigned. There are times when the device is outside the scheduled time and it needs to be ...

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    "Reoccuring" Schedule for system update deployments

    when scheduling system updates you can only select "Now" or "Date Specific". Customer can only schedule after hours between 7PM and Midnight. It will not role over in to ...

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    Allow stages for system updates to use folders or dynamic groups.

    You can create stages and they are very helpful for applying a structure to rolling out system updates. I want to be able to select a folder or a dynamic group, so that ...

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    Comfortable ZCM client update: exchange of client version with ...

    During the current client upgrade process, the user can not operate fully on. (There can be no call bundles and usually a reboot is required.) In addition, the update ...

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    System Update error report

    If an agent fails to install via System Update the 'Details' hyperlink shows extra information to troubleshoot this. This is fine for a few devices but not for hundreds. ...

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    Opt out of upgrading Agents when doing a System Update

    When applying a System Update, we want to be able to skip updating the agents. Essentially we need a checkbox in ZCC to say "Upgrade Servers and Satellite only" - in ...

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    ZCM Agent Update Reboot Behavior

    When selecting "Prompt user to reboot when update finishes applying" during System Update Wizard, it would be nice if it would give the ZCM Administrator a hint that the ...

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    Standalone SU installer should contain .NET framework

    The deployment packages - per http://servername/zenworks-setup - have executables that contain the .NET component, allowing them to be truly standalone. The Standalone ...

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    ZCM client upgrade / update as ZCM Bundle

    Distribution of the ZCM client upgrade / update as ZCM-Bundle: so stood all bundle options available for distribution. [ see also: ...

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    ZENworks Diagnostic Centre should flag statistics left by Database ...

    If Microsoft's Database Tuning Advisor (DTA) or similar tools have been run against MS-SQL, the upgrade to ZCM 11.4 will fail during the Pre-Upgrade Tasks: ...

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    Update ZCM Agent Update or Bundle execution on shutdown

    It would be very useful to schedule the ZCM-Agent update on System shutdown like Windows Update behavior. So users work is not disturbed. It would also be nice to start ...

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    Schedule System Updates for Login

    It would be useful to have more control over scheduling when System Updates - such as agent updates that require a reboot - take place at the customer device. At present ...

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    Ability to deploy the updated ZCM agent via a ZCM bundle

    We are facing updating the ZCM agent on 3000+ workstations spread over 26 sites, each with their own ZCM satellite server. They currently run the 11.3.x agent and we ...

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    Agent System Update option to automatically reboot if no user is ...

    It would be great if Agent System Update would provide an option to automatically reboot after a system update if no user is logged in. If a user is logged in, it could ...

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    Standalone Agent Updater: progress bar in taskbar, Silent ...

    It would be very nice if the Standalone agent Updater would be extended by the following functions: * progress bar in taskbar during Installation and / or * Silent ...

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    Add "Wake Up" to action menu for system update deployments

    When deploying a system update to devices, we can view the list of pending devices (with status installing, awaiting reboot etc) On the action menu of this view, there's ...