• Votes


    Schedule Agent Upgrade deployments with a Wake-on-LAN option

    Please add an option to schedule upgrade deployments with a Wake-on-LAN option. Whether scheduling for "Date Specific" or "Now", there should be a Wake-on-LAN option. ...

  • Votes


    System Update - Status by Device windows need a Schedule column

    Please add a Schedule column for the system update "Status by Device" windows. I schedule 3 large groups of PCs for different dates and you cannot see the schedule ...

  • Votes


    Improved handling of System Update device group assignments

    It is possible to assign system updates to (dynamic) device groups, but once such an assignment is done, there is no further control. There is no way to view or remove ...

  • Votes


    improve ZAA upgrade

    The update of the agent is counter-productive for the user. Many problems : - During the migration processus, the Z Applications (bundles) do not work. message : " ...

  • Votes


    Clean up old System Update GUID and Folders

    When a new System Update, PRU, etc,. Is available (Baselined) in ZCC, the old system-update (folder and GUID) that it's replacing should be removed from the ...

  • Votes


    Optimize the memory (RAM) usage of ZENworksWindowsService.exe ~500MB+

    We experience on all of our Workplaces, that the ZENworksWindowsService.exe uses to much memory. Mostly it uses more than ~500 MB and sometimes 1 GB and more. Other ...

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    zeus should be able to reboot the computer via quick task

    Often with deploying agent upgrades, the agent service does not start nor does the user allow a reboot and is not prompted again. An admin should be able to force a ...

  • Votes


    optional balloon tip on zicon check for updates showing assignment

    when i use zenicon check for updates, it doesn't show me anything to let me know what's going on. Due to some delays on getting update commands etc it may seem ...

  • Votes


    System Update: Suppressing the "Explorer Restart" prompt dialog

    The System Update prompts the user if the Windows Explorer could be restarted. If the user selects "No" then the update does not start. Showing this prompt every time a ...

  • Votes


    Pre-script for Zenworks Updater before work to do

    When the System Updater see an update to apply, prior to initiating it upgrade process, it'd be nice to have a pre-script option so that I have some control to do some ...

  • Votes


    System Update Deployment option by Network Environment

    When deploying system updates, we have some low-bandwidth (cellular, VPN) that we need to keep updates from running through. In the deployment options, it would be ...

  • Votes


    Enhance status for upgrade schema step in 2017 System Update Status ...

    It would be beneficial for the system update status page (https://<server>:7444/systemupdate/sustatus) to show detailed status information for the schema upgrade step. ...

  • Planned


    Pending Status to include last contact date

    When deploying agent updates, I invariably get a list of device with "Update Assigned". I'd like to be able to distinguish between the ones that have not check in a ...

  • Votes


    System Update with System Requirements

    The ability to check for System Requirements before the ZAA System Update Deployment kicks off. For example; The ZAA deployment via System Updates was to follow AFTER the ...

  • Votes


    Ability to export list of devices under System Update Overview.

    I would like to see an export to xlsx or csv option under system update overview. For example, I have 50 devices that did not get the new Zenworks agent update, I would ...