If Microsoft's Database Tuning Advisor (DTA) or similar tools have been run against MS-SQL, the upgrade to ZCM 11.4 will fail during the Pre-Upgrade Tasks:
"ZENworks detects that there are user-generated statistics in the in the ZENworks database.
Since ZENworks changes a few columns from Not null to Null or vice-versa, this causes the upgrade to fail.
The continue with the process, clear the generated statistics."
The presence of these statistics can easily be found with the following SQL:
select * from sys.stats where user_created=1
So ZDC should check for this as a matter of course.
Customers usually schedule major upgrades out of hours and arrange for staff to be on standby; in other words, by the time the above message appears a lot of time and effort has already been spent, only to have to abandon the upgrade whilst the user-generated statistics are removed, and a DBA is not always on hand at this point.
NRFE / MG / 10976034399 / 933742
by: Marcus G. | over a year ago | System Update
We've hit the same issue doing our upgrade to 11.4.2. Thanks you for posting this idea, that gave me a clue about 'user-generated statistics'.