TID 7005371 (https://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7005371) states the following:

The green light on the device object properties means that the agent is running and listening to this quick task request from primary: http://deviceaddress:7628/RURunning

Given the information in the TID, please consider the following situation. If a device (DevA) is offline or replaced with another device (DevB), leaving the original device (DevA) in the zone, and the new device (DevB) or another device (DevC) uses the IP address of the original device (DevA), the status of the old/offline device (DevA) on the Summary page is not accurate.

The status of the Last Contact and ZENworks Agent Status are of the device currently using the IP address, not of the device being viewed in the ZCC.

Would it be possible to only update the Last Contact and Agent Status fields with verification of the GUID so that the information is accurate?


  • I agree. I have run into this many times. If a computer is left off past the DHCP lease time and another unit picks it up. The old device goes green even if it is off line.

  • I agree too. During vacation this issue appeared and I got surprised: if a workstation got powered down during several days, the DHCP server reassign its IP address to another device and the Zenworks Agent Status is completely confusing. It's really easy to correct this behaviour : simply try to do reverse DNS lookup to the IP and if the DNS name is different that the one of the Zenworks device, ZCC must not show its status as CONNECTED (green light)

  • I agree too and I think the way proposed by Carles C. to solve this situation is the most appropiate (using reverse DNS lookup).

  • I agree. Our Help Desk and Desktop support used to be able to rely on the status and who was logged in version 11 4, but now it is no longer accurate information.