• Votes


    MFA Smartphone native NetIQ App avoid additonal info after QR code ...

    - Customer uses AAF Version: 5.6 and Access Manager 4.4. - Using the current version, an additonal info entry is offered after the scan of the QR code for an ...

  • Planned


    authenticator sharing

    Allow a shared authenticator to be used regardless of whether or not the the account it is shared with has the same authenticator enrolled or not. For example, if a ...

  • Planned


    Periodically export database backup to network location

    Right now you can manually export the database backup and then download it to your local machine. In the future, it is desirable that the database would automatically ...

  • Votes


    Display serial number of enrolled HOTP authenticator

    It would be beneficial for a user to see the serial number of their currently enrolled HOTP authenticator in the authenticators management portal. A user may have one or ...

  • Votes


    Customize RADIUS Reply-Messages per method in a chain

    Applications that correctly implement RADIUS will show the Reply-Message value sent from the AAF server when authenticating with a chain. Right now, the Reply-Message ...

  • Votes


    5.6.5 config import to v6 destroys cluster

    after initial import of 5.6.5 config into v6, and then build the global cluster, doing the last import before go-live and migration to v6, all cluster information is ...

  • Votes


    Allow IP address in multiple RADIUS events

    We are leveraging the NAS Identifier in that each of our RADIUS configurations have an Event for each chain. This enables us to provide our users a clever way to select ...

  • Planned


    Configurable RADIUS auto-enrollment behavior

    Current status: When the RADIUS method is configured with a Radius client, a user is auto-enrolled in the RADIUS method no matter if they have an account in the ...

  • Planned


    Logon Filter for "other" directories

    A potential customer is looking for the logon filter feature but for non-AD directories, in their case an Apple OpenDirectory (a fork of openLDAP). This could as well be ...

  • Votes


    Search for tokens

    In an environment where there are a bunch of tokens, the pagination makes it tough to find a specific token. You need to search each page and you can easily need to ...

  • Votes


    Configure appliance proxy settings through Configuration portal

    It would be convenient to be able to set the proxy settings in the Configuration portal of the appliance versus having to do it through yast.

  • Votes


    Use SSL for AD repository DNS discovery

    When using DNS discovery for AD repositories, there should be an option to add them as SSL-enabled on port 636. Today when using DNS discovery for AD repositories, they ...

  • Votes


    Ability to set a user specific fixed token

    With other Radius solutions (e.g. SMS Passcode) it is possible to set a fixed code in case the user forgot his smartphone.

  • Votes


    Configure endpoint whitlist based on ad group

    We would like the ability to configure endpoints whitlist based on ad/eDirectory group, not by specifying the endpoints directly.

  • Planned


    Add more than one bluetooth authenticator device

    Customer ask for ability to configure more than one bluetooth device as an authenticator. For example, to use either smart watch or smartphone.

  • Planned


    Forward other logs besides Syslog

    We would like to be able to forward more than just the 'Syslog' log to a syslog server. We find the other logs having valuable information and being able to forward all ...

  • Votes


    Azure Active Directory Integration for conditional access

    Would like to see that we can integrate Advanced Authentication with Microsoft Azure Active Directory conditional access policies to add two-factor authentication to ...

  • Votes


    QR and Bar code methods for identities

    Please create a method for QR Code and Bar Code for identities. This allows for assets to be identified (authenticated) quickly and easily for activities like asset ...

  • Votes


    TACACS support

    It would be great to support TACACS integration, not only RADIUS. Many network devices today are configured using TACACS, not RADIUS.

  • Votes


    pin expiry reminder

    Could you add a reminder on login if a PIN is about to expire soon? Ideally I can configure how many days before expiry the reminder comes up.