• Completed


    Offline Server Update

    Requested by: NXP Description: Provide a method for Offline updates

  • Completed


    Please add common network troubleshooting tool to the underlying SLES ...

    Please add common network troubleshooting tool to the underlying SLES 12 OS, either by pre-installing the “netcat” utility’s rpm or at least adding it as an optional ...

  • Completed


    Report: A list of all AAF users and their enrolled methods

    There is no report that provides an administrator a list of all AAF users and as such we cannot answer the question 'who is using your application.' We need a report that ...

  • Completed


    CAPS LOCK notification on login screen

    There is no "CAPS LOCK enabled" information on login screen. Please add it.

  • Completed


    Enable SSH via administrator portal and configuration console

    It would be convienent to enable/disable the ssh daemon through admin portal. Furthermore it would be convienent to enable the ssh daemon via the configuration console in ...

  • Completed


    Provide translations for security questions

    When defining questions under the security questions method, it would be helpful to be able to provide translations for an unlimited number of languages. Furthermore in ...

  • Completed


    Different email OTP template per event

    Depending on the use case and the user base, it is desirable to provide different instructions in the Email OTP on what should be done next. Furthermore it would be ...

  • Completed


    Viewing of user authentication attempts by Enroll Admins

    Being able to see a user's authentication attempts by support staff would be helpful in determining what the root problem is when a user claims they 'cannot log in.' In ...

  • Completed


    Disable offline authentication for Smartphone method

    We would like the option to disable the offline authentication for the Smartphone method. The idea is that if they do not have another method available or Smartphone is ...

  • Completed


    Improvements to mass token management

    We have a large number of hardware tokens in our environment. Currently, when attempting to load the tab, it takes at least 5 minutes to load all 40,000 token records. ...

  • Completed


    Face Recognition Integration

    Requested by: Gulfstream and others Description: Provide Face recognition method

  • Completed


    Fast sync for LDAP repositories

    Fast sync for AD repositories is supported and works however for LDAP repositories fast sync does not seem to be supported. For LDAP repositories with large amounts of ...

  • Completed


    Back-up / Restore Capability

    Requested by: NXP Description: Provide a method for backup and restore of server and DB