Would like to see that we can integrate Advanced Authentication with Microsoft Azure Active Directory conditional access policies to add two-factor authentication to Azure Active Directory logons, complete with inline self-service enrollment but also the policies and controls from AA.
I know that AA 6.x supports ADFS for SSO but that's not the request. Please read also the following documentation from Microsoft regarding Azure Conditional Access: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/active-directory-conditional-access-controls#custom-controls-1
by: I e. | over a year ago | Integrations
We are investigating this request.
This suggestion is now in planning. I will update this area when we have it firmly in a scheduled version.
Hi, I have several customers who require this feature as they want to start adding workspaces to azure.
We definitely should look into this. As far as I understand Dev was on top of it already but it's worth a push.