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    Display current time on appliance

    If time sync is off no way to see in Admin Portal or Appliance portal. Often told do not access console however this is the only way I can get current time when having ...

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    NAM OAuth redirect uri example in OAuth2 Event creation

    When wanting to enable NAM with AA the redirect URI is really challenging to find in docs. Any way to have either a mouse over description text with example NAM URI ...

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    AA User Report Enhancement

    Can we get the client's hostname in the User Report for OS event types? This would be very helpful in troubleshooting.

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    More flexibility for Reports

    Some customers wish more flexibility for their Reports. Please provide an option that an admins can select which specific information are needed for the report. As an ...

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    Change Password does not display text passwords do not match

    SR # 101281110041 Have a customer that is asking for text to be displayed when passwords do not match. Currently we have a red line around new and confirm password and ...

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    Show something when new server is installed before restart countdown ...

    When you are finishing a new install and it takes time to restart nothing is shown. Would be nice to have something there stating or showing we are busy and be patient.

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    icon to visually show changes in admin portal like in sspr

    With SSPR you see an icon on anything modified from default or edited. Would be a nice visual.

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    audit changes in admin portal like in sspr

    How SSPR has who made what change and when would be a nice visual to see who has made a change.

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    Enable ability to customize AAF login page

    For AAF login page would like to be able to change the text “User name” to “Email Address” and “REPOSITORY\user” to Email Address” since we want the users to use email ...

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    HelpDesk Portal - Search for Yubikey via S/N

    It would be helpful for our helpdesk personnel to be able to search for a yubikey via the serial number to see the user who has it assigned.

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    Ability to reorder reports on Reports portal

    Today they are created and listed in order of creation. Would be nice to have ability alphabetize or even reorder from Admin portal under Reports.

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    Redesign the TOTP flow for an enduser

    We are working with version 6.1.x The NAAF screens are very technical for an end user. Make security easy for those who are non technical please. Ask a UX-er to help ...

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    Disable/remove save button when (smartphone) method is enrolled, ...

    The save button is confusing for users if the method is already enrolled. Deleting an re-adding the method is easier to explain to users, especially if "Enroll TOTP ...

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    Provide quick links in Admin Portal like we have in Appliance Portal

    Using the :9443 we login as root and have links at the bottom. Customer would like a way to have the same from Admin portal (/admin).

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    Smartphone App: copy the OTP code to the clipboard

    By tapping the OTP code it is possible to copy the OTP code to the clipboard so it is easy to paste in other apps.

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    Helpdesk - Enhancements

    1) User Logs: Show the IP-Adress from the accessing Radius Client (, which can be a VPN Server, etc.) which sends the authentication request to AAF As an ...

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    Enrolled SMS-OTP Authenticator provides unnecessary buttons

    Users who are automatically enrolled to the SMS-OTP get the buttons 'Save' and 'Delete' displayed, which has no value and only leads to confusion, because nothing can be ...

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    Help Desk "Change User"

    Currently need to click on 'username' to get to 'change user'. Not as intuitive for new users. Can it be a separate button on top to click?

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    Clear message when deleting authenticators

    Currently, when deleting an authenticator, a user only gets a message asking if he wants to continue. This can be confirmed with 'Ok' or canceled. Since this system is ...

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    Countdown next to the QR code to show how long the QR code will still ...

    It would be very convenient if a countdown were displayed next to the QR code so that the user can see how many seconds remain to scan the QR code.