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    Wireless fingerprint device support

    Hi, Now Advanced authentication supports USB based fingerprint devices. The requirement is to deploy wireless fingerprint device models to support existing Advanced ...

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    AAF should recognize if user was authenticated by thirdparty before ...

    In our viewpoint AAF should be able to recognize if the user comes from the ThinClient. For an example: Scenario1: ThinClient & Citrix &VDI (without AAF) 1. Customer ...

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    Enhance shared authenticators to allow RSA Tokens.

    As stated in the online documentation, the list of authenticators that can be shared is currently limited to TOTP, HOTP, Password, Fingerprint, Card, and FIDO U2F. ...

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    Azure AD as repository

    Advanced Authentication can be configured as an IDP for Azure AD. However, it is necessary AA connects to Active Directory in order to register the user and enrol ...

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    Support for code obfuscation

    The idea is to provide support for code obfuscation at the SDK for mobile app's. Mainly for commercial products like DexGuard. Some costumers has internal security ...

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    Native U2F Support beyond chrome browser

    Since chrome support for FIDO U2F was added some time ago but now other browsers like Firefox support it as well. While it does work if enabled manually on older firefox ...

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    Linux Simple Chain After Successful Auth With High Security Chain

    Add the feature for Linux systems to be able to behave like the Windows Client allowing for a simple chain to be used after a high security chain has been authenticated ...

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    Linux Credential Caching

    Add the ability for credentials to be cached on Linux. This way if the AA Server is unavailable users can still login or if on a laptop without internet access a user can ...