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    Display Device (workstation/server) tasks as per Operating System

    As an Administrator when workstation/ server is selected, only supported Device tasks only should in the left pane. If windows device is selected remote login/ remote ...

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    Sort remote listeners in remote management policy

    Right now the list of remote listeners is sorted by first added to last added. It would be nice to allow the list to be manually sorted or at least sort them in ...

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    Replace VNC with ANY better Remote Control function

    VNC is such a terrible method of remote control of a workstation, limited functions, poor screen display, poor scaling, horrible dual screen handling, difficult to scale ...

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    remote control without ZCC console

    Hi, With ZDM we had the opportunity to make a remote control on a Workstation without going through console one. Is there the same tool under ZENWorks 11x without going ...

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    Remote control only agent

    It would be nice to be able to deploy *only* the remote control agent - small and light like the Inventory Only agent

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    remote control for Remote Desktop/Citrix sessions

    At the moment it is impossible to "shadow" Demote Desktop or Citrix users. This would be an outstanding feature I'm sure many would find usefull. Even better would be if ...

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    Extend full name field for Administrator in ZENworks Control Center

    At the moment we have problem to create a new administrator account based on User Source whose name is more than 29 characters in Cyrillic alphabet, since most of the ...

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    remote control user on PC & RDP/Citrix

    At the moment it's only possible to remote control/shadow a logged in user on a PC. It would be outstanding to be able to shadow users on RDP/Citrix sessions also!! The ...

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    quick 1-click remote control

    Remote Control should be available with just one click. Best thing would be that by clicking on the computer icon in the column "Name" start direct a remote control ...

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    Buttons or Dropdown for fast switching multi-monitor remote control

    The new multi-monitor feature in ZCM 2017 is a really great feature. We have a growing number of "normal" users which have more than one monitor. In some cases there are ...

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    Request remote managment session from zenworks context menu

    We are using the "request remote managment session" from the clients since it is working from "the internet" whitout proxysetup. I would like to have a context meny entry ...

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    Remote Control IOS, Android and other Mobile Devices

    Today several of my customers use ZCM Remote Control to support their users in- and outside of their companies. As the amount of phones and tablets grows they would like ...

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    JoinProxy for managing 10000+ devices in the Internet. Home office

    Hi, Regarding this coolsolution topic: https://www.novell.com/communities/coolsolutions/reducing-number-joinproxy-servers-public-network/ One of our customers suggest ...

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    Quicktasks and device presence over the internet

    One of the principal limitations of ZENworks support for devices that are not on the corporate LAN is that server initiated functions do not work: these include ...

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    Start remote session with multiple machines

    Allow starting multiple remote control sessions by selecting the workstations from the list and then selecting "Remote Control". Currently, you have to select one ...

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    remote control to tech station ip should lookup ip from the zone

    When a remote control session is requested on the end point, there should be a query of available or logged in technician names and ip's that fill in the boxes ...

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    Seperate Remote Control policies for IT Administrators and Application ...

    Be able to have 2 or more Remote Control Policies. One for IT Administrators that does not require end user connect permission. The other for Application support staff ...

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    Workstation Remote Control directly from iManager

    Hi, it would be nice to have a iManager plugin, so we can start a remote control session from a Workstation Object directly out of iManager, without open the ZenWorks ...

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    Add the ability to see running processes in remote diagnostics

    It would be nice to see a list of running processes of a remote machine without having to remote control it and kick the user off. Currently, remote diagnostics only ...

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    JoinProxy support for ZENworks on Mac OS X.

    Hello, JoinProxy support for Windows works well. I would like to have JoinProxy support for remote control in Mac OS X as well. At the moment we are using other ...