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    Monthly webinar suggestion

    I want to get you opinion how to best handle devices in the zone, not the apply image policy's and stuff but more best practices around device retirement, device deletion ...

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    Add the possibility to search for multiple results in search base box.

    Adding the possibility to search for multiple results in the base search box like using wildcards or literal search. Exemple, search for all stuff beginning by a M and ...

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    ZCM Reboot/Shutdown Workstation... Allow user to cancel force option ...

    When we launch a restart action on a workstation and check "Allow user to cancel" Actualy is the "no" buton that is preselected need an option to define "yes" buton

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    Mark multiple devices as test device

    Currently it is only possible to mark a single device to be a test device. It should be possible enforce the test option on multiple device despite their current test ...

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    Zeninfo command on linux Primary Servers and Linux Managed Devices

    Please add a zeninfo command like Windows has (it's really convenient) so log files can be gathered easier. You already have the zeninfocollect, and imagine you could ...

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    Adding to Web Site RSS feeds from Suggest, Collaborate, Vote

    Add the RSS feed functionality to your Web site. To increase our efficiency to consult the Web site "Suggest, Collaborate and Vote". It would be desirable to add the RSS ...

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    User Managment Login on agent when resume from sleep/hibernate

    Hi So we find that when users sleep or hibernate their Windows device the ZENworks agents logs the user out. Please can we have it that the ZENworks agent logs the user ...

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    Service Desk has Dutch localization which could be improved

    Please let someone who knows the product segment/terminology and who has control of the Dutch language correct the language resource files of Micro Focus Service Desk.

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    Upload / Integrating Screenshots

    It would be very nice if you could in MICRO FOCUS Ideas Protal upload screenshot. So you could represent proposals understandable. in german: Hochladen/Einbinden von ...

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    Allow groups to inherit policies and bundles from a folder.

    Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, and admittedly today is the first time we've ever needed this, but it would have been really useful if this were possible. I'm ...

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    One main portal for all Microfocus admin interfaces

    This idea fits to many categories but when I have to use iManager, ZCM, GMS, GW Admin ... it would help a lot if Microfocus would create a portal that hosts all admin ...

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    Mass copy bundle icon to other bundles

    We like to have a custom icon on all of our bundles, however editing them manually can take a while when you have 100s of bundles to edit. A way to add an icon to ...

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    Support Kerberos User logins/assignments for Mac and Linux agents

    We use Centrify to manage our Mac and Linux login's to AD. By adding user assignments to these platforms, I would be able to use zenworks to distribute content to my tech ...

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    Localisation NAL

    ZCM support few languages out of the box (English, French, German, Spanish, etc) and that's fine for both ZCC and client side (NAL, ZENagent). What my customers would ...

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    Support for Oracle Cloud and Azure SQL Database

    Hi We're looking at creating brand new ZONE however the on-premise database requirements are restricting us due to the costs (especially oracle). With how the industry is ...

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    Track ZCM administrator last login

    I would like to see the last login date/time for administrators be stored in the zAdministrators table so I can find unused accounts via a database query. It should ...

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    ZCM should be able to issue & deploy client certificates

    It should be possible for the internal CA to automatically issue and deploy managed device specific certificates to e.g. support 802.x1 certificate based port ...

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    Enhanced service control for ZCM Primary servers on Windows

    When scripting ZCM service stops and starts on ZCM Primary servers on Windows for applying patches or changing the configuration, we have to use the net or sc command. ...

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    Add OS X (Apple) Directory Service Support

    The current Zen agent on OS X, like its Linux predecessor, is machine-oriented. Jason Blackett has mentioned in the past that he believes Zen will eventually have a ...

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    Images for the idea portal

    "Have a great idea to improve ZENworks Configuration Management?" Is a very useful device. In my view it would be useful if you could upload images (screenshots) to every ...