We like to have a custom icon on all of our bundles, however editing them manually can take a while when you have 100s of bundles to edit.

A way to add an icon to multiple bundles at once would save lots of time.


  • Great Idea

  • I like the idea of taking a bundle icon and applying it to another bundle. Sometimes the original icon cannot be found as we had found out during a migration process.

  • You can get there painlessly using the undocumented SOAP API. Quick&Dirty Powershell code:

    $ZCMServer = "localhost"
    $SourceBundlePath = "/Bundles/Applications/My Bundle With Icon"
    $DestBundlePath = "/Bundles/New/Iconless Bundle"
    $ZenCredential = Get-Credential -Message "Please provide login data to your ZCM server"

    # Connect to Zenworks SOAP web service
    $SOAPBundleAdmin = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "http://$ZCMServer/zenworks-bundleadmin/?wsdl" -Credential $ZenCredential
    # get the icon from $SourceBundlePath
    $BundleIcon = $SOAPBundleAdmin.getBundleIcon($SourceBundlePath)
    # set the icon on $DestBundlePath
    $SOAPBundleAdmin.setBundleIcon($DestBundlePath, $BundleIcon)