• Votes


    Ability to Exclude folders in assingment (Relationshipt or ...

    If you deploy a bundle in /Devices/Workstations and you need to exclude some folder inside Workstations, you can't. The unique solution is to create a dynamic group, ...

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    When Hide Windows from refresh quick task, can't see again

    If you are managing for example 3000 devices in the zone and you want to do a refresh on all devices, we do a quick task > refresh devices. This process takes a lot of ...

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    Update ZCM 11.x to support the most current browsers

    ZCM 11.x is only supported on specific versions of Firefox, Chrome and IE. There is no Edge support, as far as I know. Those versions are all quite old by IT standards ...

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    Groups to apply policies and bundles

    I have a situation where I have a policy to install a printer, but I need a bundle to configure it for my staff. I would like to see a group where you can assign policies ...

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    UNC should always be an option when using bundles

    There are several places within bundles where you cannot use UNC, only mapped drives. Of course, that is a problem when you want to say, copy a file from an unmapped ...

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    Terminal session reconnect requirement

    It would be outstanding to have a bundle launch requirement that enables an action on reconnect of a Citrix/Terminal Server session. The reason for this request is that ...

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    the ability to force a bundle update immediatly to all devices

    We sometimes need to update bundles on devices that need immediate updating. We are now forced to use vb or other scripts placed on a cifs share as the launch option to ...

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    A ZCM cluster

    It would be amazing to have a true cluster for ZCM. At the moment when registering devices in ZCM, you always register them to one primary. If that primary goes down for ...

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    zcm console timeout

    At the moment the ZCM console automatically logs the user out after a specific time. It would be great to be able to change this setting in th ZCM cosole to a timeout ...

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    remote control user on PC & RDP/Citrix

    At the moment it's only possible to remote control/shadow a logged in user on a PC. It would be outstanding to be able to shadow users on RDP/Citrix sessions also!! The ...

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    ZCM policy for default folder

    Now that we have a wonderful new ZAPP instead of the old launcher, I feel it needs more policies to be able to tweak it even more for the end user. For one it needs a ...

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    remote control for Remote Desktop/Citrix sessions

    At the moment it is impossible to "shadow" Demote Desktop or Citrix users. This would be an outstanding feature I'm sure many would find usefull. Even better would be if ...

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    Distribute bundle(s) over time

    It would be great to be able to define a period of time and let the bundle be rolled out over that period. Our environment has over 1000 machines & rolling out a new ...

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    Aditional dependancy types

    It would be great to be able to select .NET & Java with their different versions as dependency types for bundles. Being able to create one ourselves could be even more ...

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    Diagnostics Page must be readable by non-superadmin users

    The new (a great!!!) page in ZCC "Diagnostics" that was included as new feature with ZCM 11 SP3 (and even improved with SP4) has a big problem : the ...

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    New bundle right : "Read settings"

    It will be very useful to have a new administrator right related with Bundles : to read (see) the settings of a bundle without having the capability of modify them. This ...

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    dynamic pxe for zenworks

    We still have some systems who cannot boot from pxe. now we can make a customized initrd but thats complicated. is it possible to create a chainload for the drivers of ...

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    mobile management as a satelite

    We have created our zenworks environment in the internal network. Now if we want to use the mobile management , we need to put the primary on the outside. Why can it run ...

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    Collect workstation Manufacture Date as reported in BIOS.

    All Dell workstations contain Manufacture Date field stored in the BIOS. This record is used to determine the age of the unit in order to make hardware refresh ...

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    Ability to see when a bundle was modified

    I was doing some verification and needed to see the last time a bundle was modified. I could not find anyway to find the date the bundle was modified.