• Votes


    Have Collection Data Form pick lists in the ZCC show the contents of ...

    Assume you have defined a Collection Data Form with fields such as the Department field with a pick list of allowed values. Right now, in the ZCC if you go to the ...

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    Collect OS/application crash data

    It would be beneficial to see workstation data about: -crashed OS/applications -Average startup time -Disk encrypton enabled (Bitlocker) -etc.. This would be make ...

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    Have a field in the inventory which indicates whether the taken ...

    Sometimes the inventory wents wrong (some software is missing or wrong). Than a full inventory scan is necessary. If you scannow -f, it would be great to write it into ...

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    Inventory Only Agent IOA support for MacOS 10.12 Sierra needed

    Since some months the new Mac OS X 10.12.x is published and available, this version should be supported on ZCM 11.4.3 Until now, only Mac OS X 10.5 to 10.11 is supported ...

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    Inventory-only Agent Needs a Reset GUID Command

    The inventory-only agent needs a command to generate a new GUID that it uses to identify itself.

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    Inventory-only Agent Needs a Perform Full Scan Command

    The inventory-only agent needs a command to clear all files in the outgoingUIA folder and perform a full scan.

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    Inventory-only Search Function

    The Inventoried tab in the ZCC for inventory-only devices needs a search box at the top level like the managed device section has under the Devices tab.

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    Inventory-only Summary Page Should Show GUID

    The summary page for an inventory-only device should show its GUID.

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    Inventory-only Duplicate GUID Detection

    If another inventory-only device uses the same GUID as another existing device (for whatever reason), the collection file processing system on the Primary server should ...

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    Video adapter memory on Inventory summary and usable in bundle ...

    Would like to see Video adapter memory on device inventory summary, and also have this usable on a bundle filter

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    Add a mechanism that reports for Intel vulnerabilities by device - ...

    With all the recent vulnerabilities with the Processors and Intel Chipsets, this leave administrators with a alot of machines that must manually be checked and updated. ...

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    Be able to schedule a full/complete inventory scan

    Based on my own experience with invalid/oudated inventory data in the database and reading the ...

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    having a Stock Room or Store Room location in ZCM

    Assets need a place to go when not deployed to a users desktop. Items like PCs, Laptops, Monitors, printers are assets and those assets have a lifecycle. A asset needs to ...

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    Bulk Edit of Fields on the General Tab for Workstations

    Bulk editing of fields on the workstations' General Tab (e.g. Owner, Department, Site) should be editable on a large scale basis to assist with billing for equipment and ...

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    Software Build Version missing in inventory

    In case software file version and software product build version are not matching, inventory only contains major version. Inventory should always contain the software ...

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    Ability to Flag Software Applications as "Authorized" and "Not ...

    Hi, It would make good business sense to be able to flag Software inside the Software Inventory as "Authorized" and "Not Authorized". With this organization could report ...

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    Please add inventory data from windows machines to ZENworks -> UEFI, ...

    We would like to see, if a windows computer is in UEFI or BIOS Legacy Mode. Furthermore we would like to have an report about the "Secure Boot State" - is it enabled or ...

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    Scanning of USB peripherals

    We'd like the ZCM inventory scan to report data on peripherals connected via USB. This would allow us to identify old models and those susceptible to security ...

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    Add location information to external assets (monitors, USB scanners, ...

    It would be usefull to have the location stored with assets. The by the agent detected Network Environment and Location for instance. Not historical, but only the ...

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    use dmidecode instead of hwinfo on linux agents

    The dmidecode program seems more robust than hwinfo and is included in the OS's we currently use. hwinfo is added by the zen agent and is often outdated and slower.