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    Show Device Last Boot Time

    I'd like to see the boot date/time of the device displayed in the ZCC which is good to know in general for troubleshooting and also if patches were recently applied that ...

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    Install Cleaned up Zenworks Agent into Base Image

    Currently if the Agent is installed into the base image it has to be cleaned up to remove references to the device it has been imaged on. This involves running various ...

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    Need a virtual appliance for satellites

    With the understanding that any device may be a satellite, this request is to address a licensing issue. For larger zones that require dedicated devices to be used as ...

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    Live view of connect and switched on PCs

    Be able to see a list of PCs that are switched on or switched off

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    rename bundle without increase bundle version

    I want to rename bundles without have to increase the bundle version. At the moment - if you dont increase the version - the clients still show the old name in startmenu ...

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    new option "run as administrator" in launch executable

    in windows there is an right klick option "run as administrator" when you klick on a shortcut or exe wich gives the action more privilegs. the "run as administrator" is ...

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    Show all installed bundles on a Workstation

    Bundles can be installed via user or workation assignment. Also with ENGL Imaging bundles are installed during imagingprocess. When I use "zac bl -all" I can only see the ...

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    More customization for the ZAPP

    I would like to have some settings or parameters for the ZAPP the change the default view for the users to be the "Detailed View" instead of "Icon View". And a setting ...

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    Allow custom message on blank screen

    Allow custom message on blank screen when remote controlling machine. When we lock the keyboard/mouse and blank the screen, staff members assume the computer is hung and ...

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    Be able to change what columns are shown in the Devices list.

    I have to remote many devices to do maintenance/fixes. I usually like to do them when the devices are not logged in as much as possible. I always have to select the ...

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    functionality to install UPW-Apps like MSI or Microsoft-Store ...

    Microsoft is changing the default-way to install Applications. They switch from Classic-Applications to "Modern-Apps" in UWP-Containers. Some software is still only ...

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    Launch Executable Action - Run as Dynamic Administrator Display Mode

    In Bundle > Launch Executable Action - Run as Dynamic Administrator, it would be nice to be able to specify Display Mode as Normal, Hidden, Minimized and Maximized like ...

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    Requirement Filter: Folder Exists

    Would be useful so you can have a action run to either create that folder, or notify the user there was an issue with creating that folder and not have the whole bundle ...

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    Bundle Action "Requirements" which works like an IF .. END

    I would like to have a simple Bundle Action "Requirements" which works like an IF .. END condition and which includes more then one Bundle Action. This could be displayed ...

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    Ability to safely clean old ZCM packages from ...

    If multiple Upgrade/updates are done on a primary server the old package from previous version are kept on the server. The directory ...

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    Mac pkg or mpkg install action

    Please add the ability to create an install action for pkg or mpkg packages on mac bundles similar to how an msi install action works on pc bundles.

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    remote zac

    With PowerShell you can enter a pssession on a device without affecting the user it would be great if the zac commands worked remotely through the ps session so you could ...

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    Better Documentation for Variables Available to ZCM

    ZENworks can take advantage of variables set on a workstation or within ZENworks. However, I always find it difficult to use these variables because: 1. I am generally ...

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    Ability to deploy the updated ZCM agent via a ZCM bundle

    We are facing updating the ZCM agent on 3000+ workstations spread over 26 sites, each with their own ZCM satellite server. They currently run the 11.3.x agent and we ...

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    WMI support for bundle/policy requirements

    The ability to leverage WMI queries in bundle-level, policy-level, and action-level requirements would be huge. Similar to how AD Group Policy works, having a repository ...