With PowerShell you can enter a pssession on a device without affecting the user
it would be great if the zac commands worked remotely through the ps session so you could refresh the device get network/location information etc. and other information for troubleshooting

all without stopping the user from working

you get the same error if you try and use psexec


  • Or give the possibility to use an option in zac commands like "/remote-device:devicename"

  • You can do the zac commands that you don't need to return information (cc, ref, bin, etc) via a "Run Script" action. We do it as a "define your own script" and leave it as a .BAT script. Mainly we just do a "zac cc" and on the next line "zac ref bypasscache". Make sure to check "wait until complete" and that you run it as secure system user.

  • we have a few bundles like this also just thinking more for troubleshooting be nice to return the network environment etc we currently have a script that will return windows event logs ip configuration etc and the zenworks location would be the icing on the cake