If multiple Upgrade/updates are done on a primary server the old package from previous version are kept on the server.
The directory /opt/novell/zenworks/install/downloads contains all msi and rpm packages of each version the server did have been installed on this server in past. This can rapidly fill the /opt mount point because each new version add some GB to the directory.
I think something should exist to safely delete these old packages. It can also be automatic when a version is baseline. Why not delete all old version
by: Martin D. | over a year ago | ZENworks Control Center
I totally agree! I have 12+ GB of old superceded files in the rpm and msi folders alone.
i agree with that too.
I think the /var/opt/novell/zenworks/content-repo/system-update could have some cleanup too. It look like all files from previous system-updates are kept there. It can take a lot of disk space over time.