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    More font choices when composing HTML in GroupWise editor

    The font size available when composing an email are limited to 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and so on. We need a more flexible one, 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15

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    Time setting for auto-reply rule to resend notification after X Day

    As a GroupWise user when creating an auto-reply rule or vacation rule I want to be able to specify how man days before a recipient can active the rule again so that if ...

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    Option to specify working directory for attachments that are edited

    When attachments are opened and edited, they are saved to a temp directory, when the message and attachment are closed, the directory is wiped. I would like option to ...

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    Proxy in caching mode

    If a proxy account is already synced on the device, switching to this proxy should use caching mode instead of online. Adding a Proxy should give the Option to add a ...

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    Add reply-to support for outgoing mail in Groupwise (Desktop and Web)

    Add an option to select an address (from addressbook, proxylist, etc.) as the reply-to Option for outgoing mail. A folder (personal or shared) should also have a default ...

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    Default options when deleting appointments

    As a GroupWise user I want to be able to set the default action when deleting appointments to delete the appointments from other recipients mailboxes

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    Restore item from trash with Ctrl-z

    Add support to the GroupWise client so that when CTRL-Z is pressed the last deleted item is restored from the trash. Repeated CTRL-Z should restore each successive ...

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    Proxy Access - Mark Folder Private

    As a GroupWise user that grants Proxy access to their account I want to be able to mark an entire folder as private so that proxy users will not have access to any item ...

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    Update Personal Groups membership when personal groups contain a SAB ...

    As I user I create several personal groups where I have dragged a SAB group into my personal group. If the SAB group gets updated I want my PAB group to get updated as ...

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    Sort Proxy list and make it scrollable

    In 2014 (and former) the proxy list is sorted by ID which is not intuitive. Sort it by first or last name according to the address book setting. Also make it scrollable ...

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    Unify Print Dialog for HTML and plain text messages

    Currently the dialog is different for HTML and plain text. For plain text it also lacks the possibility to select how many pages should be printed. Confusing for the ...

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    Send Options - Pick Date from Calendar instead of specifying number of ...

    As a GroupWise user before I send a message, when I choose send options I want to be able to pick a date from a calendar for Reply Requested and Expiration date so that I ...

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    Reminder notes no longer bold the date on Month or year views

    With GroupWise 2014 the Month date in the small calendar views or in the year views are no longer bolded or highlighted even when a reminder not is on that day. ...

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    Attachment Reminder for GroupWise

    As a GroupWise user I want GroupWise to detect if I mentioned an attachment and forgot to include it so that I don't have to retract and resend the message or send ...

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    Secure Message

    As a User I want the ability to control options that are available to the recipient, such as disable forward, disable print so that I can control that information

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    Preview Messages without marking them as Read

    As a GroupWise user I would like a preview feature that allows me to quickly see the first few lines of a message without marking the status as read for the message so ...

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    Add BC Column to the Sent Items folder

    Would like to see an option to add a BC column in the sent items folder like the options for TO and CC

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    Add Sender to Junk/Block list when dragging an email to Junk Mail ...

    As a GroupWise user I want the sender of an email to be added to my block list when I drag an email to the Junk Mail Folder so that I can manage junk mail more ...

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    Sort on Item icons

    In the item icon field, since we are now showing some attribute type, like email from Facebook or linked in. I would like the ability to sort on that field so it would be ...

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    Attribute Speller language to a contact

    I frequently send email in multiple languages. You have to manually change the speller language for each email I send, then you have to switch back to a different ...