As a GroupWise user I want GroupWise to detect if I mentioned an attachment and forgot to include it so that I don't have to retract and resend the message or send another message with the attachment
eliminate the "oops, forgot the attachment"
Acceptance Criteria
Primary Success Scenario:
1.When sending GroupWise checks for attached, or attachment in the body and if there is not attachment pops up a warning to include attachment
2.User can Not Send and add attachment
3.User Can dismiss and send anyway
4.User can Disable this check
5. Administrator can enable/disable and lock down this setting (Client Option)
by: Mike B. | over a year ago | Windows Client
+1 This should have been included a long time ago! Make sure that it supports multi-language.
One other nice touch would be if the client could check that the word "attachment" isn't a part of a disclaimer / signature, and not fire. Might be hard to get right, though.
Outlook and OWA have this feature today. In the Outlook client, the end user can toggle under the "Send messages" section, the option of
[ ] Warn me when I send a message that may be missing an attachment
Thunderbird has this feature, too. There might be a user-editable list in the preferences to tell gw witch words should be detected.
+1; Many users ask about this feature. Please build this in the next GroupWise Client.