• Votes


    GW Client needs one master Google-style "search everything" box.

    The current filter box has a magnifying glass icon which is confusing to end users who think it means search. When then try to search with it and don't get the results ...

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    Backup and Restore Personal Address Books

    As a GroupWise user I want my personal address books backed up to the restore area along with with email so that I can restore personal address books. As the GroupWise ...

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    prevent groupwise client system folders from beeing moved to ...

    since gms is very sensitive concering system folder not being in their default location, then please prevent them from being moved accidentally or intentionally into ...

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    Windows Client with Wine on Linux and MacOS - with HowTo's

    I would be great to solve the GroupWise Client demand with a Wine compatible Windows Client for Linux and MacOS. How To's to get this running incl. Wine requirements, ...

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    Display warning when out of office rule active

    As a GroupWise user I would like to have a notice/warning in the Windows client and WebAccess when I have an active out of office rule enabled. Usually people set up an ...

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    Ability to track/ audit GroupWise Administrative Changes - System Wide ...

    GroupWise has no ability to track/ audit GroupWise Administrative Changes - System Wide - with Sentinel or other event management tools. This is a real urgent ...

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    Travel Time - Add to Appointments

    As a GroupWise user when creating or accepting an appointment I want to be able to specify the Travel Time to the appointment and have that time displayed as busy on my ...

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    Add Activesync connector to the GroupWise Client

    Today we have the ability to connect to IMAP4 and POP3 sources and pull that data into a GroupWise system. Please can we add an ActiveSync connector to this process. ...

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    Give a solution to migrate Exchange to Groupwise without 3rd party ...

    It should be an obviousness to give a solution for a straight migration from Exchange to Groupwise. Even if there are some really expensive 3rd party solutions and some ...

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    Groupwise Global Signature - Apply only once

    Groupwise Global signatures are applied to every outgoing message. This includes replies and forwards that have already had the signature applied previously. We have an ...

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    Integrate Messenger with Novell Filr for securely transferring files

    Leveraging the existing security and usability of the current software stacks (authenticated user that can access authorised files using a secure internet protocol), ...

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    Same Rules in WebAccess and Client

    I want to be able to edit rules (with the same complexity) created by the Windows Client on Webaccess, and vice versa.

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    Ability for Notify to "sleep"

    We would like to have a right-click menu entry for notify, to sleep for eg. 1 hour, 2 hours, a day, etc. This would be very helpful if you do a presentation with your ...

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    Messenger Emoticons

    Would like support for more emoticons in Messenger With the Mobile apps support the Android, IOS, Blackberry emoticons

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    GroupWise Password Change & Universal Passwords in eDirectory

    Customers use Universal Password in eDirectory to change passwords. Customers have to disable Password Changes from GroupWise if Universal Password is enabled because ...

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    Warning on empty subject

    GW puts the first line of the message into the subject field when the subject is empty. It's not right. Never was. Thunderbird does it right. Please show a warning when ...

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    Custom System Address Books

    As the GroupWise administrator I want to be able to define multiple custom system address books with subsets of users and even external users and then push that to ...

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    Mobility: Make a Virtual Appliance offering

    Offer the next major version as an install offering like Novell Filer 2. Make a few install Virtual images for the various virtualization platforms. Do the same /sdb ...

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    Webaccess - Digitally Signed emails

    Customers would like WebAccess to be able to send digitally signed or encrypted email messages as the windows client can

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    Attachment Reminder for GroupWise

    As a GroupWise user I want GroupWise to detect if I mentioned an attachment and forgot to include it so that I don't have to retract and resend the message or send ...