since gms is very sensitive concering system folder not being in their default location, then please prevent them from being moved accidentally or intentionally into subfolders.
i had users who had their calendar folder moved to inbox which created weird issues on the gms such as high cpu usage in the python process.
by: Norman D. | over a year ago | Windows Client
So many times we have to fix GMS problems by running a manual Contents Check on a user with RESFLDR in the misc tab will put those wayward folders back to where they are supposed to be. It would be very nice to not have to do so in the first place.
Duplicate of: ; Make base maibox folders NOT movable
I agree, it would be very helpful to be able to lock down the top level folder structure from the admin console as a client setting.
It would also be helpful to be able to set which of these folders are presented to the user as well... to hide the GMS folders that appear and are then tidied up by the user as well as the standard 'documents' folder.
Although it's said by Mike Billis that this issue was fixed in GW18.1 (, I don't agree. They've added a 'Fix system folders' button but this helps to fix the issue when it's detected, and what we want is a tickmark to prevent this to happen.
"what we want is a tickmark to prevent this to happen"
@Javier mind the new IDEA portal is "" so make sure you add your comments there!