Today we have the ability to connect to IMAP4 and POP3 sources and pull that data into a GroupWise system.

Please can we add an ActiveSync connector to this process.

The ActiveSync process is a) more secure, b) more feature rich

Using IMAP or POP what is seen in the client and what is seen in the mailbox can differ majorly, with ActiveSync the link between the mailbox and the client would at least be in sync. It would also provide for address books and calendar synchronisation making the GW client the principle application involved.


  • This would also work as an enabler to send email from secondary GW accounts (using GMS) and recieve for multiple addresses too

    The Idea that keeps on giving ;)

  • This would also solve a lot of Integration Issue with 3rdParty.

  • cannot wait to get this

  • Shouldn't be too hard to implement as part of GMS/DataSynch.

  • Fully agree with Tim, this would help a lot.

  • Yes please, If it will also make it in to the Mac version!

  • Tim, why would you want ActiveSync on the CLIENT? How is it in any way more feature-rich than, say, the port 1677 client protocol?
    Do you perhaps mean you would like to see the POA have ActiveSync built in as a protocol, so it would be more like a connector than using a data synchronizer? If so, I already have that suggestion (search for it)

  • Willem, If you have the standard GroupWise Client - you are connecting to your PO. That does not change. This is adding to that underlying GW connection so that you can connect to ANY other mail system that supports ActiveSync (Gmail, Exchange, etc.) It would also allow you to connect to the GMS and send email as a secondary email account (from the one interface)

    Think of it like your mobile - you have multiple email accounts but the one interface. I want GroupWise to be THE interface that we all use and that requires that we are able to connect to the other mail systems and pull in that data.

  • I got it in your first paragraph. Understand and will vote for it. Meanwhile, if you haven't already, I encourage you to vote for mine, which calls for it at the server (POA) side to eliminate GMS (the data synchronizer) entirely.

  • Yes please !!!

  • GO FOR IT!