Offer the next major version as an install offering like Novell Filer 2. Make a few install Virtual images for the various virtualization platforms. Do the same /sdb /sdc disk slices for the data and log LUNs just like Filr 2. Make the Patches/FTFs get applied just like Filr 2 does.
by: Gene H. | over a year ago | Mobility Services
i strongly agree, - give us more well designed/implemented appliances! let's spend the saved time for more important things in our daily work!
I´m disagree. If you´re using a service provider as we and have limited access to the hosts only, delivering of preconfigured virtual images are a pain. The server guru at the other end of the telephone line has no idea from groupwise or filr and all you can do is rebooting the machine.
I think SuseStudio is a perfekt place to deliver both. A preinstalled appliance and a manageable host at the same time.
I have seen so many customers build the base SLES OS incorrectly to run the GMS service to where it runs poorly. This idea was to remove all the variables that each IT department might come up with for building the base OS to run the GMS service. This allows the GW developer to devise the most optimal SLES OS base for running the GMS service. Correct disk partitioning would be done going this way for the pgsql db, the datasync datastore and the datasync logging. None of these would be on the *root* partition where it takes out the OS when the disk gets full.
Whilst I think basic Mobility should be built-in to GroupWise like WebAccess a VM like Filr would be the next best thing.
Appliance are in the air !
We would need it for Citrix XEN Hypervisor as well!
agreed, only if available for citrix too
any news here?