• Votes


    Workstation-sharing support in a hospital

    We are a mid sized hospital, currently operating roughly 600 computer workstations. These are used by multiple employees in a given shift. We use KeyShield SSO for ...

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    add webdav support for Document management

    Having removed ODMA in GW2012 the built-in document management is unusable I know MS has discontinued ODMA years ago. Many customers are Stuck with GW2012 + Office ...

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    Don't receive own messages from groups

    When I send a message to a group that I'm a member of, it shouldn't send that message back to me. There should be a checkbox to enable or disable this behaviour when the ...

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    Reliable cluster support

    According to support from 18.1.1 cluster setup for messenger is not aviable from version 18.1.1. Since HA/cluster support is almost a requirement in a enterprise ...

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    New email TO CC BC and SUBJECT tabbing orders

    When upgrading from GroupWise 2012 to 2014 R2 the tabbing order for the TO CC BC and SUBJECT line have changed. Previously it would go from the TO section to the SUBJECT ...

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    Ability to bring message window into focus in Messenger

    According to SR 101100857521 it's not possible to have a New Message converstation window come into the forefront when a new message is posted. If I have several ...

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    Legacy Address Book Name Completion

    While most users find the 2014 model of name completion to be an improvement some users find that it provides names on the list they'll never choose and have to sort ...

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    Ability to Copy users in GroupWise Administration

    When creating new users it would be great to have the ability to copy from an existing user. Possibly the same way you do this in eDirectory/iManager where you could use ...

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    Group Membership doesn't update "Last Modified By" diagnostics flag

    We upgraded to GroupWise 2014 R2 SP1 over the weekend and noticed that when modifying Group Membership, this does not update the "Last Modified By" flag in the ...

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    Ability to lock GroupWise mailbox email columns

    Our users frequently remove inbox email columns when they attempted to sort by a particular column by clicking on it. They end up clicking and dragging inadvertently ...

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    Change GroupWise passwod option on next login option

    Recent people that have left our company contain numerous GroupWise passwords of our users. This would allow them to access these accounts after they are terminated. ...

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    Auto sizing of GroupWise user administration membership window

    As it stands, when you view a user's group membership the contents window is a fixed size. If the user is a member of a large number of group there is a lot of scrolling ...

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    Outlook discussion thread conversation cleanup equivalent

    I've been asked by management if there is an equivalent feature in GroupWise that Outlook has. It's called "Conversation Cleanup" when using outlook. Basically this ...

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    Prevent Duplicated Distribution List in Frequent Contact

    A user can copy a distribution list from the Novell GroupWise Address Book into her Frequent Contacts. Once copied she can can edit the members of this distribution list ...

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    Ability for Notify to "sleep"

    We would like to have a right-click menu entry for notify, to sleep for eg. 1 hour, 2 hours, a day, etc. This would be very helpful if you do a presentation with your ...

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    Allow Groupwise account creation from A/D or LDAP source

    To keep thing synchronized, it would be nice if upon creating and AD account, an associated GW account could be created via a schedule, AD OU synchronization, or ...

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    Possibility to hide the cabinet folder for proxyusers

    If general read access to the calendar is given, users can also view the structure within the cabinet. This is not always desirable.

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    send notification when password needs to be changed

    When the GroupWise Password is changed it needs to be updated on the Mobile Devices. If it isn't, the users miss items because the device can't connect and sync. In ...

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    Sync eDirectory BOTH ways

    Changes made in the GroupWise Administration that impact fields in the Directory (such as email address) need to sync back to the Directory. Numerous customers are ...

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    Ability to create simple Tasks without due dates or times

    We have users who would like to create simple task lists without due dates or times, just simple tasks that they can check off when complete. They would also like this ...