• Votes


    Restore item from trash with Ctrl-z

    Add support to the GroupWise client so that when CTRL-Z is pressed the last deleted item is restored from the trash. Repeated CTRL-Z should restore each successive ...

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    Default options when deleting appointments

    As a GroupWise user I want to be able to set the default action when deleting appointments to delete the appointments from other recipients mailboxes

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    Travel Time - Add to Appointments

    As a GroupWise user when creating or accepting an appointment I want to be able to specify the Travel Time to the appointment and have that time displayed as busy on my ...

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    Display system address book in Contact Folder on Win client

    It will be fine to have the System Address Book in the Contact folder of the Win Client (like in Web access), it's a good way to have directly the contact picture

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    Share Category definitions and Colors between user

    As a shared calendar user I would like to be able to share my category definitions and colors with other users, so that when using a shared calendar/folder if I assign a ...

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    Attribute Speller language to a contact

    I frequently send email in multiple languages. You have to manually change the speller language for each email I send, then you have to switch back to a different ...

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    Sort on Item icons

    In the item icon field, since we are now showing some attribute type, like email from Facebook or linked in. I would like the ability to sort on that field so it would be ...

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    Warning on empty subject

    GW puts the first line of the message into the subject field when the subject is empty. It's not right. Never was. Thunderbird does it right. Please show a warning when ...

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    Pin to taskbar option in GW client installation

    GW client (even R2) has very old client installation framework. One thing that shows this is the options for creating shortcut in the OS: - desktop - start menu - quick ...

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    Implement "Space Reading" for email

    In other email products you can jump to the next email by pressing Space - this would be a nifty and easy to do feature for GroupWise.

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    Implement "Insert as text" for email edit

    One of the problems doing cut & paste in an email is sometimes the formatting you don’t want to insert. So a right click function “Insert as text” would put the bypass ...

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    Syncronize GroupWise Client Trash in caching mode

    Some folks out there have a different approach of treating the trash folder. For them the trash is a kind of ordinary folder and the do miss that this folder does not get ...

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    External Archive search in GroupWise Client impossible to find

    The external Archive Search in the new GroupWise 18.1.x Client series is impossible to find for end uses. Who would think that you: - open find - open look for - open ...

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    Allow to snooze greater than 15 minutes

    If I set an alarm a day in advance of an appointment, it would be nice to be able to snooze the alarm for a few hours. 15 minutes is the current maximum

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    Edit quick response list

    Would be useful to edit the quick response entries, both for individual clients or control an entire PO.

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    Stop archiving, if the user closes the client.

    We have users with auto-archiving turned on. However, the client continues (via gwsync) to complete the autoarchiving job, if the user quits the client. The user is ...

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    Improve archiving experience if user closes the client

    If a user has auto-archiving turned on, and closes the client while email is being archived, archiving continues in the background. However, the user is now unable to ...

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    "move to" on send dialog to move mails to folder when sent

    In project business not only incoming but also outgoing mails should be filed with a project - mostly done with folders. Our users said it would be great to have a 'move ...

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    Search for all First and Last names, not only from the start

    GroupWise 2014 introduced the great name completion with relevance. A great way to take it a step further would be to let it search for second first names (separated by ...

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    Unify Print Dialog for HTML and plain text messages

    Currently the dialog is different for HTML and plain text. For plain text it also lacks the possibility to select how many pages should be printed. Confusing for the ...