One of the problems doing cut & paste in an email is sometimes the formatting you don’t want to insert. So a right click function “Insert as text” would put the bypass via notepad (to get rid of the formatting) out of business.


  • You should be able to do this via the message menu Edit | Paste Special and choose Plain text.

  • Thanks, I know but a Hotkey and/or a right mouse action would be much more convenient

  • Yes, agreed.

  • It should not display the 'Paste Special' dialogue, but just paste the plain text.

  • On Windows/LibreOffice 5, Ctrl+Shift+V brings up the Paste Special dialog and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V pastes it without formatting. MS Office should be similar, GW should keep up with this de-facto standard.

  • This is fixed in GW 2014 R2

  • Shouldn't this Idea be marked as completed then?