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    Azure AD as repository

    Advanced Authentication can be configured as an IDP for Azure AD. However, it is necessary AA connects to Active Directory in order to register the user and enrol ...

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    RISK Engine only show single chain based on RISK level

    Currently with RISK if a user is "LOW" RISK they see 3 Chains to select. Would like to have ability to only show the single chain based on RISK. When the user is LOW ...

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    Ability to enroll Windows Hello Fingerprint / Face Recognition ...

    Provide the ability to easy enroll the Windows Hello "Face Recognition, Fingerprint, etc" directly with the self enrollment portal. Provide also the ability to do this ...

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    Dynamic SMS gateway

    If there are more than one SMS gateways being used by an organization, there needs to be a dynamic configuration available for the same. The current example can if the ...

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    Remove validation of phone numbers to check for "+"

    For the users to use the SMS OTP, AA validates the phone number when the phone number does not exist and the user enters the phone number. This validation is is done for ...

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    REST-API Allow other authentication methods for "Destroy endpount"

    Today it is only possible to use PASSWORD:1 for Destroy Endpoint. We would like to have the ability to use other Methods like, LDAP_PASSWORD:1, TOTP:1, HOTP:1 etc.

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    Helpdesk - Two-Eyes procedure to change authenticator from user

    In regard to this Idea: https://ideas.microfocus.com/MFI/advance-authentication/Idea/Detail/15336 It would be good if there is an option to define which groups need a ...

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    Helpdesk - Granular access rights for enrolladmin to edit users

    Today every Enroll-Admin can change all authenticator of every users. This may cause a security issue. Which means that an enroll admin can take over an account from ...

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    Igel ThinClient Support

    It will be great if Igel ThinClients will be supported. We expect more than 10.000 Users which will need this.

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    Enable ability to customize AAF login page

    For AAF login page would like to be able to change the text “User name” to “Email Address” and “REPOSITORY\user” to Email Address” since we want the users to use email ...

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    Windows app similar to Smartphone App

    The request is from a customer whos users doesnt all have smartphones but who would still like the "Accept" "Decline" functionality in a Windows app. Yes we have the ...

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    Check if firewall ports are open

    We would prefer an Option to check if needed Firewall Ports are open. In our opinion this check-up can be located in the Management Consol of AAF. Additionally there ...

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    Support AD Global Catalog in AAF

    As customers tend to have many ADs in their forest, we need support for global catalog functionality for AAF by using LDAPS on 3269. ...

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    HelpDesk Portal - Search for Yubikey via S/N

    It would be helpful for our helpdesk personnel to be able to search for a yubikey via the serial number to see the user who has it assigned.

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    Enable user exception group list in Geo-Fencing

    For example for “Singapore” & “Malaysia” group = user1, user2, user3, but for “China” group = user1 only & user2, user3 is deny access.

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    Ability to reorder reports on Reports portal

    Today they are created and listed in order of creation. Would be nice to have ability alphabetize or even reorder from Admin portal under Reports.

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    Redesign the TOTP flow for an enduser

    We are working with version 6.1.x The NAAF screens are very technical for an end user. Make security easy for those who are non technical please. Ask a UX-er to help ...

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    Method: Password Policy

    An Option to set different Password Policy for each user Group, if the Password set as a chain from MFA such as Pin + OTP. We want able to set for the UserGroups a Simple ...

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    Disable/remove save button when (smartphone) method is enrolled, ...

    The save button is confusing for users if the method is already enrolled. Deleting an re-adding the method is easier to explain to users, especially if "Enroll TOTP ...

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    The AAF 6.2 product contains an SMS TOTP method preconfigured for MessageBird. Which is great. However, the method uses the "OLD HTTP-API_v1" as MessageBird refers to ...