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    Authenticator App: Add Search Field

    If you have multiple TOTP registered authenticators in Authenticator App you have to scroll like Thor to find the TOTP you need to authenticate. I would suggest to add a ...

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    Don't include Smartphone enrollments as part of backed up app data for ...

    This behavior was observed when a user migrated from an older iPhone to a new iPhone but may also apply to Android devices. Current situation: The Smartphone enrollments ...

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    Use smartphone NFC to read Mifare Classic 1K card as a factor

    Mobile user brings only smartphone and a Mifare Classic 1K card Instead of putting all factor (smartphone method, SMS or email) in the single device It is a good idea to ...

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    Use smartphone NFC to read Mifare Classic 1K card as a factor

    Mobile user brings only smartphone and a Mifare Classic 1K card Instead of putting all factor (smartphone method, SMS or email) in the single device It is a good idea to ...

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    Allow multifactor when enrolling smartphone via /smartphone/enroll url ...

    As an Administrator of AAf, admin should be able to add MFA for direct smartphone enrollment url as well. Currently, the product (AAf 6.2) support direct smartphone ...

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    Retrieve and accept user names in different format

    Some applications/systems use naming schema different then simple username. Good example might be FUDO running in "bastion" mode. In that case username consists of two ...

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    Offline Authentication for VMware Horizon View

    VMware Horizon View doesn't allow offline authentication when using Mobile App / Radius event. It would be great to have the possiblity to enter OTP code from mobile app ...

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    Allow more than one 'Windows Hello' method per user

    We want to be able to use more than one 'Windows Hello' method per user. Some users have more than one computer with 'Windows Hello' capabilities and they want to ...

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    Radius only return the CN from the group name

    Some customers have trouble with specific VPN Solutions from Cisco or Watchguard. Because with this tools it seems that there is a limitation for the group name field (as ...

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    Lets encrypt integration

    Not just for AAF, but also Filr etc it would be great to have support / automation possibility to use lets encrypt certificates.

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    Support for Configuring SMS Sender Policy Using a JSON Body or CURL ...

    Currently when configuring the SMS Sender policy we only support submitting parameters in the http request URL. I was working with a customer that uses Avaya as their ...

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    Integrate SSPR into AAF Appliance

    It would be great to have the option to install SSPR on the same appliance.

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    Better Health Check

    We desire the ability for web servers to have their health checked regularly to see if they can process authentication attempts. If not, the web server should be disabled ...

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    Offline mode: Allow computer to fail open

    Currently: If a user is offline, and if he has lost/broken one authenticator (if 2FA deployed with 'something you know' + 'something you have'), he can't login to his ...

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    Deleting a Smartphone authenticator in the NetIQ app deletes the ...

    Current situation: If you delete a Smartphone authenticator from the Self-Service portal/server-side, the Smartphone authenticator on your NetIQ app is deleted. However, ...

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    Add Healthcheck URL for Load Balancing

    The current solution for a load balancer to determine the status of an AA web server is to build rules based on the AAF published API. Suggest adding a single ...

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    Caps Log notification on CP not prominent enough

    Hey Team, we have had an enhancement request to make the caps lock notification on the CP more prominent. Possible enhancements could be a larger font size below the ...

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    More descriptive confirmation message when deleting OTP token

    Current situation: When hitting delete on an OTP token, the confirmation dialog "Do you want to continue?" shows. From there you hit either OK or CANCEL. Desired ...

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    Provide Advanced Authentication as .ova in addition to .iso

    The Advanced Authentication appliance is only available as an .iso. In addition to .iso, we would like to have Advanced Authentication provided as an .ova in addition to ...

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    Email reminder & Report Listing: For those user that yet to enrol the ...

    To send a email reminder to those user that yet to enrol the authentication method like TOTP etc and also make this available to display in reporting module.