To send a email reminder to those user that yet to enrol the authentication method like TOTP etc and also make this available to display in reporting module.
by: Fredric T. | over a year ago | Other
by: Fredric T. | over a year ago | Other
To send a email reminder to those user that yet to enrol the authentication method like TOTP etc and also make this available to display in reporting module.
by: Fredric T. | over a year ago | Other
Fredric, You can report on the users that have enrolled and extrapolate who has not.
I can see where like this might be helpful. However - where would you stop. What if users can enroll in several methods? Would they then receive several emails to enroll - one for each missing method.
Can you please outline a few use cases so I can understand this better and what the total functionality should be?
Thank You, Troy