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    More flexibility for Reports

    Some customers wish more flexibility for their Reports. Please provide an option that an admins can select which specific information are needed for the report. As an ...

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    AAF should recognize if user was authenticated by thirdparty before ...

    In our viewpoint AAF should be able to recognize if the user comes from the ThinClient. For an example: Scenario1: ThinClient & Citrix &VDI (without AAF) 1. Customer ...

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    smartphone methode support on ADFS using AA-ADFS MFA plugin

    Smartphone methode is now unavailable with ADFS Multi-Factor Authentication Plug-in. We would like to use push notification instead of OTP/TOTP/SMS

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    Enhance shared authenticators to allow RSA Tokens.

    As stated in the online documentation, the list of authenticators that can be shared is currently limited to TOTP, HOTP, Password, Fingerprint, Card, and FIDO U2F. ...

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    Improve LDAP repo support to do fast scan during login and chain ...

    Use case: to be used whenever “Nesting support” is Disabled OR if the the directory is an eDirectory First call to retrieve user (& (objectClass=user) (| ...

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    In Helpdesk module have type ahead as we do in Admin portal

    In help desk module you must type entire username. Any way we can allow type ahead as we have in Admin portal for assigning a user or group to a chain?

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    Tool like "ClientLoginExtensionConfigurationUtility.exe" to configure ...

    With CLE there is a tool "ClientLoginExtensionConfigurationUtility.exe" where you can configure with specific settings are made to install file so no manual changes are ...

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    Tool like "ClientLoginExtensionConfigurationUtility.exe" to configure ...

    With CLE there is a tool "ClientLoginExtensionConfigurationUtility.exe" where you can configure with specific settings are made to install file so no manual changes are ...

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    Change Password does not display text passwords do not match

    SR # 101281110041 Have a customer that is asking for text to be displayed when passwords do not match. Currently we have a red line around new and confirm password and ...

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    Show something when new server is installed before restart countdown ...

    When you are finishing a new install and it takes time to restart nothing is shown. Would be nice to have something there stating or showing we are busy and be patient.

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    icon to visually show changes in admin portal like in sspr

    With SSPR you see an icon on anything modified from default or edited. Would be a nice visual.

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    audit changes in admin portal like in sspr

    How SSPR has who made what change and when would be a nice visual to see who has made a change.

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    SMS OTP request should allow to have a variable which have request ID ...

    This is something similar to the idea 'OTP Message should include a variable with the timestamp of the OTP' but instead timestamp a additional variable that allows to ...

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    Mobile application for Android Face-Unlock option

    Since more and more Android mobiles are providing face unlock option it would be great to have face unlock as an additional option for the existing pin & fingerprint ...

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    Azure AD as repository

    Advanced Authentication can be configured as an IDP for Azure AD. However, it is necessary AA connects to Active Directory in order to register the user and enrol ...

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    RISK Engine only show single chain based on RISK level

    Currently with RISK if a user is "LOW" RISK they see 3 Chains to select. Would like to have ability to only show the single chain based on RISK. When the user is LOW ...

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    Ability to enroll Windows Hello Fingerprint / Face Recognition ...

    Provide the ability to easy enroll the Windows Hello "Face Recognition, Fingerprint, etc" directly with the self enrollment portal. Provide also the ability to do this ...

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    Dynamic SMS gateway

    If there are more than one SMS gateways being used by an organization, there needs to be a dynamic configuration available for the same. The current example can if the ...

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    Remove validation of phone numbers to check for "+"

    For the users to use the SMS OTP, AA validates the phone number when the phone number does not exist and the user enters the phone number. This validation is is done for ...

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    REST-API Allow other authentication methods for "Destroy endpount"

    Today it is only possible to use PASSWORD:1 for Destroy Endpoint. We would like to have the ability to use other Methods like, LDAP_PASSWORD:1, TOTP:1, HOTP:1 etc.