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    Integrate SSPR into AAF Appliance

    It would be great to have the option to install SSPR on the same appliance.

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    4-Eyes Authentication

    Most of the authentication mechanisims do not have a feature for authentication approval process by design. If AAF would able to do this enterprise customers can use it ...

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    Security notification after user logs in through NAAF

    1) User logs in through NAAF. 2) After logging in, the user receives a security notification by email or text message that says for example "your account was used to log ...

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    Simplified authentication in offline mode

    With AAF it is possible to configure a Simplified authentication "Last logon tracking options". "This policy helps you to automatically move to a simple chain that ...

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    Linux Stop Duplicate Messages in Shell

    In Linux when using the CLI (Or Terminal) there are duplicate messages generated before authenticating. This feature would fix this. EX: $ sudo whoami Please wait... ...

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    re-design the otp tool to use a more secure chain to authenticate ...

    re-design the otp tool to use a more secure chain to authenticate other than ldap password

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    Bulk actions on OATH Tokens and Locked Users

    We would like to see a bulk actions ability added to the token management page for deleting tokens in bulk as well as the ability to unlock users in bulk in the Help desk ...

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    Remove validation of phone numbers to check for "+"

    For the users to use the SMS OTP, AA validates the phone number when the phone number does not exist and the user enters the phone number. This validation is is done for ...

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    Allow more than one 'Windows Hello' method per user

    We want to be able to use more than one 'Windows Hello' method per user. Some users have more than one computer with 'Windows Hello' capabilities and they want to ...

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    Auto Enroll TOTP on Smartphone App

    With latest release user can be sent email to enroll Smartphone which is great. Can we also get this option for TOTP? Some customers do not want to use Push ...

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    LDAP Password Expired

    If the LDAP Password Expired, can we get an Option for Set a New Password in the Enrollment Center to change or set a new Password.

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    Do not show chains with Smartphone method when client does not have a ...

    Related to https://ideas.microfocus.com/MFI/advance-authentication/Idea/Detail/14402 Current situation: When offline OTP for Smartphone method is disabled and the user ...

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    Device Fingerprint

    Hi, At the moment, we could define 2 Chains whereby Chain1 is LDAP Password+Smartphone and Chain2 is LDAP Password for example. Chain 1 is used for the 1st time and ...

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    Want a way to get a report on linked credentials

    So want to know is there a way to get a report on linked credentials 2018-10-04T14:18:38.864705 (UTC+0000)+00:00 aafapp CEF:0|AAA|Core|5.0|101|User was successfully ...

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    Add simpleSAML to Appliance for testing and POC

    Would like ability to have simpleSAML on appliance. Mainly quick and simple to setup and test. As a reference the following I found in the Internet just do not like the ...

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    Voice Call method phone number self enroll / register

    The newer Voice OTP has a feature that allows the user to add his/her phone number during enrollment whereas the Voice Call (requires PIN) method requires this to come ...

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    aaf client enhancement that allows you to select keyboard language ...

    aaf client enhancement that allows you to select keyboard language independent of workstation/server os language settings

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    AAF smartphone app text formatting issues

    The Smartphone app, on iOS at least, needs some minor formatting improvements and English language fixes. Please see attached screenshot. Problems: Needs a little bit ...

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    add force_offline_enabled option to the aaf mac client

    In scenarios where the network connection is slow or unstable, you can allow users to perform an offline login manually. This saves the user’s time for the login process. ...

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    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Needs ability to sort by any column

    AdminGUI “Endpoints” screen - Needs ability to sort by any column