So want to know is there a way to get a report on linked credentials

2018-10-04T14:18:38.864705 (UTC+0000)+00:00 aafapp CEF:0|AAA|Core|5.0|101|User was successfully logged on|7|chain_name=TOTP ep=WKSTN3.DEMO.local ep_addr= event=Windows<space>logon method_info=shared-authenticator-used method_name=TOTP:1 session_id=e1FJVzj03dsuU13ZDKCXTlQB0kRSvuuY template_owner=DEMO\\mcarey tenant_name=TOP user_name=DEMO\\bfox p=105

I do not see in Windows Event Logs only is the admin portal under syslog. When I run report on logins I do not see that mcareys totp was used to login as bfox.

Mainly for audit purposes, is there a way to gather this information?


  • We would find this helpful as well

  • This is possible now. We clearly need to do a class on how to build reports in AA.

  • I agree. This would be helpful.