At the moment, we could define 2 Chains whereby Chain1 is LDAP Password+Smartphone and Chain2 is LDAP Password for example. Chain 1 is used for the 1st time and rested for next 30 days, user just used Chain 2 to login. At day 31, user will require to use Chain1 for authentication.
However, this is disregard whatever endpoint being used. I would like to have that if I used Device1, the above is applied. However at Day 3 when I login using Device2, I have to start over from Chain1 again. Meaning some sort of Device Fingerprinting like in Access Manager but such capability natively in AAF.
by: Keng Tat L. | over a year ago | Other
This is interesting. If I understand the request is to enforce a certain process be enforced.
I will investigate this option.