• Votes


    Smooth transition of authenticators: no need to re-enrolment when ...

    This is future request . Migrate the authenticators for already enrolled users who are migrated from existing MS AD domain to the new MS AD domain without all those ...

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    Time Shifting for Hard Token

    We recently received a new batch of TOTP token from Vasco Go6 TOTP Type, noticed that we need to tune the Window Period into a bigger value to authenticate successfully. ...

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    Automatically enroll BankId users

    The BankId method is pretty useless if it's not possible to auto-enroll users with a predefined value of "personal id" in LDAP.

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    TOTP Enrollment with serial via public api

    We would like to enroll hardware TOTP tokens via public API with unprivileged session, in combination with token serial plus first OTP. Request example: ...

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    Temporarily block user account after x failed attempts – when endpoint ...

    Feature: Being able to configure the system to temporarily block user account after x failed attempts (for instance account could be blocked for 30mn after 5 failed ...

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    Allow more than one 'Windows Hello' method per user

    We want to be able to use more than one 'Windows Hello' method per user. Some users have more than one computer with 'Windows Hello' capabilities and they want to ...

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    Offline mode: Allow computer to fail open

    Currently: If a user is offline, and if he has lost/broken one authenticator (if 2FA deployed with 'something you know' + 'something you have'), he can't login to his ...

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    Syslog message when user account is locked by AAF application

    It would be beneficial to have a syslog event generated when a user account is locked by AAF using the Lockout Policy. We created a Lockout Policy designed to lock a ...

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    Allow for customization of labels when AD password is not sync

    Typically, when you change your AD password, you have a message displayed after you successfully logon (OS or Mac Logon) which indicates: ‘"Enter password for sync". We ...

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    Add a "password never expires" option for the local user repository

    We need this option for the local Admin Account. The local Admin Account's password expires as any other user account. Please add a "password never expires" option to the ...

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    implement repository search order

    In an environment with multiple repositories, it should be possible to define a search order for the repository. The first match wins should be used for authentication. ...

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    Windows Client set default Domain in config.properties

    Add an option to the Windows Client to set a default Domain in config.properties. Example: defaultDomain: DOMAINNAME Expected behaviour: The user types USERNAME (without ...

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    Support RADIUS Authentication Methods CHAP and MS-CHAP

    Our IT-Security Department forbid the usage of PAP because of severe security issues. Please support at least MS-CHAP, otherwise we can't use the AA RADIUS for our ...

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    Windows Client Debug Log logrotate

    You can enable client debug logging by setting logenabled=true in the config.properties. But the logfiles will grow and grow. Please add an option to enable some kind ...

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    Support for code obfuscation

    The idea is to provide support for code obfuscation at the SDK for mobile app's. Mainly for commercial products like DexGuard. Some costumers has internal security ...

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    Remove validation of phone numbers to check for "+"

    For the users to use the SMS OTP, AA validates the phone number when the phone number does not exist and the user enters the phone number. This validation is is done for ...

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    Dynamic SMS gateway

    If there are more than one SMS gateways being used by an organization, there needs to be a dynamic configuration available for the same. The current example can if the ...

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    Enhance shared authenticators to allow RSA Tokens.

    As stated in the online documentation, the list of authenticators that can be shared is currently limited to TOTP, HOTP, Password, Fingerprint, Card, and FIDO U2F. ...

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    Add “SecureLogin” event to list of default events in Advanced ...

    Advanced Authentication should include a generic event called “SecureLogin” in its list of default events. It would also be helpful if SecureLogin were to use this event ...

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    Offline Help Doc

    Some clients (US Federal) have systems that cannot access internet and need to see Offline Help Files. Cannot get to https://netiq.com/documentation/.