• Votes


    Make CIFS share visibility follow user trustees

    We would like our users that did not have rights of the directory, which is also the cifs share point, cannot see the share itself when connect to OES volume via cifs. As ...

  • Votes


    LUM enablement automated based or membership to a "LUM ENABLED" group.

    One thing I have been asking for from OES 1 is that ability to have LUM enablement automated based or membership to a "LUM ENABLED" group. At the moment, if a user is ...

  • Votes


    eDirectory LDAP attribute to return list of servers with real copy of ...

    Description: I have a large eDirectory environment with many replica servers and partitions. LDAP operations are distributed among several data center servers and a ...

  • Votes


    Map A User's eDirectory Photo Attribute to the OS X Picture Attribute

    Map A User's eDirectory Photo Attribute to the OS X Picture Attribute: OS X gives the option for a user to select a picture to represent them, and eDirectory supports ...

  • Votes


    Update password details in crentential manager when using dsfw to ...

    When using dsfw to login to 3rd party applications the password is then saved in credentential manager. When a dsfw user changes their password the new password is not ...

  • Planned


    SMT should be usable at OES2018 (Check TID7023687)

    SMT-Service is included in OES2018. But it does not run (Check TID7023687). Maybe because lack of a renewd API. We do not use SUSE-Manager to maintain our OES-Hosts. We ...

  • Votes


    REST Interface for NSS File Access

    There are numerous requests for Client for OES on Linux and Mac and redesign of Client for OES for Windows. There are currently no active proposals to create a new ...

  • Votes


    CIFS (NSS4AD) connection logging.

    The current logging only provides failed connections via CIFS,it does not provide successful. Our auditors would like to see a connection log. Providing last connection ...

  • Votes


    NCS cluster rename

    Ability to rename an OES NCS cluster eg: old name = cluster1.Provo.Novell new name = CL-HQ-01.Provo.Novell The docs have a process to rename a resource, volumes and ...

  • Votes


    Ability to print AD and NCP Trustee Rights Report for an Entire Volume

    A way is needed to capture to a document the rights of an AD enabled volume. NoRM has the ability to capture NCP rights. NuRM has the ability to view both, but they can ...

  • Votes


    Enable NSS snapshots on shared pools

    Snapshots on the file system level can help a lot with backup operations and potentially speed up recovery by a large margin. With NSS on OES snapshots are supported for ...

  • Votes


    NCS. Avoid deleting a resource or pool when is Online.

    It is possible remove a cluster resource when the reource is online. If you attempt to delete a cluster resource or clustered pool without first offlining the cluster ...

  • Votes


    Add migration toolkit support for NAS / MS Server to NSS AD

    Now that we can integrate any OES server for NSS file services into Active Directory we could add the huge value of NSS with all the features (inheritance, visibility, ...

  • Votes


    NCP Client Functionality for ChromeOS / ChromeBooks

    NCP is a very powerful protocol as it is the only protocol that mixes file, directory, and application information in an organized and secure way. ChromeBooks running ...

  • Votes


    Easy Means of Adding -XK3 and -OT options in (GUI) ndsgrepair

    Description: It is not intuitive how to do the equivalent of "ndsrepair -R -Ad -XK3 in the GUI version of dsrepair (ndsgrepair). One can go to the menu bar and select ...

  • Votes


    Add sorting in iManager Salvage and add OES CLI salvage command.

    iManager does not offer sorting Salvageable files. This makes it very difficult to find a file when there are there are hundreds or thousands of deleted files. Also if ...

  • Votes


    WMI Filters for Processing GPOs

    We would like to leverage WMI filters for applying Group Policies

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    Novell-named should support response policy zones.

    This has been available since bind 9.8.1 and now Windows 2016 has it implemented.

  • Votes


    Usage of strong encryption protocols

    In German authorities, for years there have been more stringent requirements with regard to the use of encryption protocols. SSLv3 for example has been forbidden for ...

  • Votes


    Make the NuRM a configurable , repeating task.

    Make the NuRM a configurable , repeating task. i.e. Admin sets a user map source and an AD match (Cn vs samaccountname) and then it runs on a repeating schedule to make ...