It is not intuitive how to do the equivalent of "ndsrepair -R -Ad -XK3 in the GUI version of dsrepair (ndsgrepair). One can go to the menu bar and select Advanced Options, but this only applied the -Ad (or -A) switches to ndsrepair, and does not immediately give any clue as to how one might add other switches like XK3 and OT. Similarly, it is not clear whether running "ndsgrepair -R -Ad -XK3" would do what we want either.

Proposed Solutions:
1. Add documentation to the Help menu explaining how to add additional switches after -Ad.
2. Expand the Advanced Options menu so that switches can be typed in by hand, or selected from a dropdown list (this latter is problematic too, as XK2 should probably not be one of the dropdown options, for obvious reasons. Maybe a "secret" menu similar to the iMonitor Advanced interface?).

Value Proposition:
Much richer functionality for ndsgrepair.

I REALLY appreciate having this tool (although I would have appreciated more a fully ncurses version a la Netware dsrepair), and any improvement to it would be very useful in my environment.

And yes, I do use XWindows tunneling to run it on my Mac OS X workstation.
