• Votes


    Use letsencrypt for all OES certs

    Certificates management is tiresome and lack of proper use encourages insecure systems. There is a new, open, and free system that can securely automate SSL/TLS ...

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    /etc/novell-release file should contain indication of latest ...

    Hello During support of Open Enterprise server, a customer proposed that we include the maintenance patch level as well in the /etc/novell-release file So for example ...

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    Put iFolder features into Filr

    We have used iFolder to backup local desktop/ laptop's My Document folder to protect against data loss. It has worked perfectly for years helping us recover a users local ...

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    Common Appliance for Micro Focus products and Add-ons

    for easy deployment, maintaining and scaling it would be good to have a common appliance for Micro Focus products and Add-ons - Deployment as VM basic template ...

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    Prepare to provide NOWS as bunch of Virtual Appliances

    That is eDirectory Appliance, File Sharing Appliance, iPrint Appliance, iFlir Appliance, Vibe Appliance, GroupWise Appliance Bunch (MTA, POA and GWIA as separated ...

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    standardize the OES logs to be in a standard format that any ...

    Today you have to jump thru hoops to use OES logs like any other log from ay other system/ Logs should be standardized to match typical syslog standard allowing all ...

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    Make ownership of OES simple.

    Today’s Large, Small business and home office NAS boxes are similar to Netware, simple we based management. NAS is hot because of the simplicity. OES is big and complex ...

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    Bundle Windows Terminal Emulaton with OES

    Many administration tasks in OES require interacting with the Terminal or X-Windows (YaST etc.). Linux and OS X workstations have the capability of remote server access ...

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    Develop Ruby/Python Dev Libraries

    It would be great to have a set of development libraries for managing OES and eDirectory. This would include directory management, trustee settings, file-system ...

  • Planned


    SMT should be usable at OES2018 (Check TID7023687)

    SMT-Service is included in OES2018. But it does not run (Check TID7023687). Maybe because lack of a renewd API. We do not use SUSE-Manager to maintain our OES-Hosts. We ...

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    Usage of strong encryption protocols

    In German authorities, for years there have been more stringent requirements with regard to the use of encryption protocols. SSLv3 for example has been forbidden for ...

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    OES file/folder synchronization with MS Office365/Sharepoint 365

    MS Office 365 is a more used platform, so, it would be nice to have a file/folder sync into OES server to this MS platform (sharepoint sites especially).

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    Simple mobile device access to OES files without acesssing FILR

    Our company would like to have simple mobile access to files that are stored on the OES file system. We have evaluated the Filr solution and found it to be very heavy ...

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    it would be great, if oes2018.1 would support virtualbox, because qemu ...

    We often use virtualbox to create a small windows system (often we need some windows services or programs) on a oes host. Till oes2015.1 virtualbox works, but with oes ...

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    CIS Inventory custom list of file types

    Currently CIS has a handful of general groups Photos, Videos, Documents and other. Requesting option to add other file times with their own categories such as ...

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    Auto refresh User Maps (NURM)

    While creating a User Map, there can be an option to automatically refresh that particular Map once in every week or so. Or may be create a common Map for a particular ...

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    Prometheus node_exporter for OES servers

    Would be really useful to have a Prometheus node_exporter for OES servers to have metrics and the integration with Prometheus and Grafana

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    Create the full OES client based on SLED as virtual appliance

    with pre-installed iPrint, Filr Desktop, Vibe Desktop, Groupwise and OES client, native application (no one) or with Wine (yep)...

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    Machine Learning based Reading Compression model for Product ...

    Whether you're a developer, consultant or a customer, it's always difficult to go through the entire documentation to find a specific thing. The solution is to have a ML ...

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    Create ova template / appliance for an OES server

    Hi, When setting up a new oes server the half of the time goes to the SLES installation. Please provide a template / appliance which has already SLES and a part of ...