Many administration tasks in OES require interacting with the Terminal or X-Windows (YaST etc.). Linux and OS X workstations have the capability of remote server access via these technologies built-in (SSH and X-Windows forwarding). The bulk of OES Administrators probably came from the Windows world and use that as their client OS, but Windows does not have SSH or X-Windows built-in. Many Windows admins used to use NSCA SSH, but that product is not free for Windows versions beyond XP. Many now use Putty, which is a distinctly inferior terminal solution and does not provide X-Windows support.

I believe that bundling a good Terminal / SSH / X-Windows solutions for Windows clients with OES would enhance the OES administration experience considerably. Micro Focus owns two such product families outright -- Rumba and Reflection.

Therefore I propose bundling a couple of copies of Rumba or Reflection with SSH/VT-Terminal and X-Windows support with OES licensing.


  • This is a great idea, it would drastically lessen some of the headaches of managing.

  • I would agree, it makes sense to make it easy for Windows Admins to work with OES servers if you want to recover some market...
    I found it a awkward to configure X-Windows enabled terminal sessions (first trying Cygwin and Putty then more success with xming and putty) to our OES servers - compared to say what was needed to RDP to a Windows machine.
    It would have been easy for someone less motivated to say "this is **** why are we bothering...?" and another chance to win hearts and minds goes to the wall...
    You need to grab a bunch of Windows only, 'what's a command line?' type of SME admin guys and put them in a lab to build a fully functioning OES based network and see what causes the air to go blue and the servers kicked over... :o)