• Votes


    NCS. More details in the messages of Comatose state.

    In extensive systems of clusters with several clusters and resources, the administration can be a little tricky, even more using iManager. At the time to work with the ...

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    NCS. Quick selection of nodes.

    When you administering a cluster with iManager and occurs a communication problem with the IP Master address of the cluster the following message is displayed: "Failed ...

  • Votes


    NCS. Flag to clusters resources scripts status

    The ability of the scripts to be applied on fail-over or migration to a different node depends on the synchronization of the updated scripts from the master node to ...

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    NCS. GroupWise Agents Templates.

    NCS has some templates that helps to setting up services such as DNS, DHCP, iFolder, MySQL, iPrint, etc, in cluster resources. Perhaps a template or several templates to ...

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    NCS. Avoid deleting a resource or pool when is Online.

    It is possible remove a cluster resource when the reource is online. If you attempt to delete a cluster resource or clustered pool without first offlining the cluster ...

  • Planned


    NCS. Bytes Counter for cluster resources scripts in iManager.

    By years the limit length of the scripts of the cluster resources has been an important factor when designing the cluster services. In the NetWare environment the limit ...

  • Votes


    More Supported Browsers for the iPrint Plug-In and iManager and Map ...

    iManager is the management tool that allows you to manage your print environment. You can create printers, printer drivers, profiles, and users But... The iPrint ...

  • Votes


    Put corrupt pool in maintenance during server boot

    If a pool in NSS is corrupted and NSS is in default mode (automaticly activate pools) the server does not come up. It waits until forever in the NSS start script. The ...

  • Votes


    Add sorting in iManager Salvage and add OES CLI salvage command.

    iManager does not offer sorting Salvageable files. This makes it very difficult to find a file when there are there are hundreds or thousands of deleted files. Also if ...

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    Make ownership of OES simple.

    Today’s Large, Small business and home office NAS boxes are similar to Netware, simple we based management. NAS is hot because of the simplicity. OES is big and complex ...

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    OES Health Check - Self Healing

    When something stops working in OES, debugging is incredibly difficult for the Administrator. There needs to be a tool that checks all the OES service health. ...

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    NSS. Provide Support for Trustee Rights for Dynamic Groups.

    Add support for NSS trustee rights assignment for members of dynamic groups.

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    bring back archive and versioning control

    Can we get this back? It was a great product, maybe utilize salvage so it not only stores a copy of a file that is deleted but also copies of files if they are actually ...

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    Make Client Contextless Login part of Login Profile

    The Novell/OES Clients contextless login capability needs to be part of a login profile rather than the client itself. For instance, I work with many clients and also run ...

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    All CIFS Settings in iManager/Remote Manager

    Would it be possible to add the settings available with the novcifs command directly into iManager/Remote Manager. This would make it easier to manage CIFS from a ...

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    Make a CIFS Share or Server Read Only at server level immediately

    It would be handy to be able to immediately prevent all writes to a CIFS share or server like what we can do with NCP using the command: ncpcon disable write ...

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    Make DFS client timeouts (cache TTL) configurable

    Currently, there's no way to configure the timeouts for a DFS (distributed file services) client's caches. Windows servers have this configurable (see ...

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    Respect station restrictions also with CIFS

    On an OES server with CIFS enabled in local or not-AD-domain mode authentication is done basically via ldap against the local eDirectory. A user with station restrictions ...

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    Add urls to edirectory objects in imanager

    If you often have to modify for example a certain group in your edirectory tree, it would be convenient to add a bookmark to this object. If later you klick this bookmark ...

  • Votes


    Able to make dhcp assignement static by clicking

    No big thing but should be fairly easy to do, be able to click on a assigned address in dns/dhcp manager to make static, perhaps also have choise to update dns by right ...