• Votes


    Improve Mobility resilience/disaster recovery with load-balancing ...

    See also "Improve Mobility scalability with load-balancing and/or clustering" - https://ideas.microfocus.com/MFI/mf-gw/Idea/Detail/15526 In the event of a total loss of ...

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    Ability to centrally administer 'Create a shortcut (.gwi) or Create a ...

    Per the documentation at https://www.novell.com/documentation/groupwise2014/gw2014_guide_userwin/data/email_receivedmail.html =====snip===== Dragging and Dropping Emails ...

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    SSO for GroupWise WEB behind NetIQ Access Manager

    It is not possible to configure Single Sign On for the new Groupwise WEB (confirmed by support). Many our customer bought Access Manager to protect Groupwise WebMail.

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    Create a Service Connection Point (SCP) record for an Linux POA

    It is not possible to create a Service Connection Point (SCP) record for an Linux POA to allow the client to automatically connect to the Postoffice Only on POAs ...

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    vcard in Webaccess

    We need the option to attach the vCard in Webacces Like in the Windows Client.

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    Push GMS credentials to BlackBerry 10 devices by BES12

    After a password change in eDir/LDAP or GroupWise a user has to re-authenticate his GroupWise/GMS email profile on his BlackBerry 10 device. BlackBerry Enterprise Server ...

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    Common Appliance for Micro Focus products and Add-ons

    for easy deployment, maintaining and scaling it would be good to have a common appliance for Micro Focus products and Add-ons - Deployment as VM basic template ...

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    gwmon: please realize at least week-/month-view in trends additionally ...

    gw monitor is a great tool! especially in these days, when there is no more progress in different 3rd party groupwise monitoring/reporting applications... please realize ...

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    gwia admin setting to let users only mail from OWN domain, when ...

    we need a possibility on gwia, if a user is smtp-authenticated, that he cannot send mails as whoever he wants... that means...: user should be able to send only as ...

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    Native Blackberry app for Messenger client

    I would like to get the Messenger Blackberry app as a native app, not a Android port. Only native Blackberry apps are allowed in Blackberry Business Workspace. Android ...

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    more powerful intruder logging and analyzing features in gac

    hi! at the moment the intruder detection system within gw doesn't give any info in the gac about when the intruder attempt happened and from which ip it came from... ...

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    please keep aspect ratio if resizing a picture within mail-editor - it ...

    in my opinion it's rather a bug, than a so far non existent "feature": it is always sooo annoying, that the aspect ratio of a picture is not kept, - if resizing the ...

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    precise selection for multiple domain per postioffice

    If you are using GroupWise with multiple internet domains (Domain test1.com, test2.com, test3.com and test4.com), you can only select one or all for an Postoffice. ...

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    caching/online password expired function

    Today if online ldap attached password integration is enable when password expired user is informed and have to do password renew. On caching I have to go on advanced ...

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    regulation of access on webaccess

    Hi @ all, There possibility to grant access to webaccess interface only to browser but not to mobile app that use web call and bypass mail mobile service like groupwise ...

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    Ability to set additional alarms on an Appointment.

    Ability to set additional alarms on an Appointment in Windows Client and Webaccess.

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    Vibe integration

    As the Vibe integration is only the Windows client side you would not be able to see these from Mac or Outlook. We need this integration for customers that are planning ...

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    Automatically sync Groupwise Dlists with LDAP Groups

    We have GroupWise 2014 customers requesting have the same functionality they have with GW2012 with Dlists associated with eDirectory Groups. Note: These customers are ...

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    Users can modify the FROM address - security issue

    Hello team!, we detected that the user can modify the FROM address adding confusing text. So the recipient can read this added text + the original address. Please see ...

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    Allow using Chat in mobile Messenger App

    Please allow using the Chat in the mobile Messenger App. The app can already use the group conversation. Please add the Chat functionality, too. Thank you