Would like the ability when creating a user to have a standard Terms of Service e-mailed to the user by the system. Currently after creating the user, needs to login to an e-mail account and send the terms of service to the user. Would like to have options when creating user accounts in administration tool to automatically send a TOS to all the users, or anything else they would like to do when user is created.


  • Seems like in the far ancient past, this was something wordperfect office did?

  • Perhaps a feature where the user must "Accept" the terms of service (TOS) before allowing them to Send email and logging/record of them accepting the terms.

  • This is a request we are looking at for GroupWise 2017

  • That´s not fine, I already told my customers, that this will ship in GW 2014 R2 SP1 as you said here https://www.novell.com/communities/coolsolutions/what-is-coming-in-groupwise/

  • Will this fit into GW 18 ?

  • This request did not make the GW 18 release, will look for the next release

  • is it already in groupwise 18.1 ??

  • Nope, not sure if this even fit into 18.2 :(.