• Votes


    Contain the message the header in the transmission provided by the ...

    It seems, that in case of rule governed forwarding, the GroupWise ignores the Reply Format settings which inlcudes header data (Include headers). On the other hand, if ...

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    Vibe App using “Scroll buttons arrows”

    In the Vibe App it should be possible to scroll with the "Scroll buttons arrows" to all files in a folder. In the Vibe App only 15 files are displayed from 36 files in ...

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    Allow mailbox rules to be triggered by proxy users who did not create ...

    Allow admins to create rules on team email boxes that can be triggered by proxy users. That way the admin does not have to log into the mailboxes to trigger cleanup ...

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    Suport for system wide calendars

    Hello, can you add support for system wide calendar that would be possible to add to selected users in administration console? Use case: Company wide events, team ...

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    Show private status indicator when composing Task or an appointment

    When composing new task or an appointment and hitting F8 to enable private mode, there is no indication in UI to reflect that. Under Actions menu its shown corectly.

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    "Cancel Meeting" instead of "Delete"

    If the need arises, it might be necessary to cancel an appointment that you have organised, which should automatically remove the appointment from everyone else's ...

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    Make Room Name at top of Post Clickable

    When in a post, the room name on the top is not clickable and does not lead back to the room. only the small chevron left of that does.

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    Typed emoji should be caught and converted

    Standard emojis should be caught and converted to emoji images, like e.g. ;) to

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    No indication of a post being edited (history?)

    You can edit any old post of yourself without any indication of the post having been edited. This can be abused massively. An edited entry should show the last-edited ...

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    Default action when clicking on Topic to not Drill down, but just ...

    Can we change the default action when clicking a topic to act like when you click the "x replies" link under the avatar? I personally don't see much use in the current ...

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    Would like to have an inline preview function for pictures

    Online Preview for pictures As in if you click on an attachment that is a picture, is just shows you the picture rather having you download it first? Or even a small ...

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    display view of mail lists - global settings

    It should be possible (for each user and as a rule for adminstration console) to set global display view options for ALL shared folders. This time each folder has its own ...

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    Make GroupWise deployable from zenworks

    Why is it so difficult to deploy your own email client? Why not make it like the Zenworks agent deployable from ZENworks. It would be even cooler if you could check for ...

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    Address book search in webmail.

    When you use Webmail (not GMS) on your phone, and go to the address book section in the main menu (or when composing/replying an email), you can search by NAME or LAST ...

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    GW client: ability to zoom into messages with Ctrl-+ and Ctrl--

    Would be very handy for reading mails that were received with a font too small to read.

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    From and Reply to problems with SMG in GWAVA

    When the GWAVA SMG sends out a digest the From field is actualy the Reply to field in the incomming email. This makes it useless at times to determine if you actually ...

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    Bug: New 2018 Webclient shows some sent emails as "unread" forever in ...

    The new 2018 Webclient shows some sent emails as "unread" forever, if they have been altered by Plugins like Formativ Solution (to delete bulky attachments from them ...

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    Load more emails at once in mailbox views on mobile webclient

    When using the WebAccess via a smartphone, there are only a limited number of mails loaded in the list, after which you have to click "Load more..." and this is really ...

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    Correctly synchronize Trash folder on GMS Exchange server (ActiveSync)

    When deleting emails in the Windows Client AND emptying the trash folder afterwards, these deleted emails keep showing up on EAS connected iPhones in the trash. You have ...

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    reminder for meetings/appointments

    I would love a feature that alerts you to upcoming meetings or appointments. For example, if you have an appointment set on your schedule, an alert would pop up on your ...