(1) ability to enabled gwha and set the three parameters of HAUser, HAPassword and HAPoll within the webconsole of GroupWise Monitor. (this gets us away from editing the startup script of grpwise-ma where this gwha startup option gets wiped out on code upgrades)
(2) indicate that gwha is enabled in the webconsole of GroupWise Monitor
(3) indicate that gwha its enabled in the startup log file
(4) log when gwha kicks into restart a GroupWise service
(5) notify via SMTP or SNMP when gwha kicks in to restart a GroupWise service
(6) have the gwha thread honor the "Suspend" action within GW Monitor of a GroupWise service when the GroupWise admin is trying to do maintenance of a GroupWise service
(7) within the GW Monitor webconsole, indicate the GWHA Restart
Count that has been attempted for each GW service monitored
(8) within the GW Monitor webconsole, indicate what GW service has registered in to do gwha restarting
by: Mike B. | over a year ago | Administration
Good one Mike. I always have to shutdown the monitor agent when doing "maintenance". I like the idea of a Maintenance Mode (item 6) much like VMware that suspends GWHA actions and would love to see the Monitor agent integrated into the Web Monitor.
GW Monitor needs a *Face Lift* to use the same web engine as the GW 2014 administration console has. To Save any change made, you have to unload then reload GW Monitor to update its config file, this is very old school.
I want to see a (Save) button to click on, where it saves it real time to its config file. No more unloading to Save things, please.
Have GW Monitor auto recognize and monitor all the GWDVAs defined within the wpdomain.dd file. Today we have to manually add all the GWDVAs in to be monitored.
Have GW Monitor auto recognize and monitor all the "gwadminservice" instances so it restarts them when they just die. I wish this service would not die, but it does. Then make sure it logs this event and sends an email that it just did it.
Would like GW Monitor to monitor all the "WebAccess", "Calendar Publishing Host" and "GW Calendar Server" instances.
If you have the GWDVA password protected, GW Monitor 2014 R2 can not monitor it at all, since it does not save the HTTPUSER & HTTPPASWORD values into the monitor.xml file.
Merge in GWAVA Redline feature set into the next major release of GW Monitor (i.e. the "Wasatch" release).